The age of the Paludi Formation: a major constraint to the beginning of the Apulia verging orogenic transport in the northern sector of the Calabria – Peloritani Arc.
2005 Bonardi, Glauco; DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Perrone, V.; Sonnino, M.; Tramontana, M.
Occurrence of upper Burdigalian silexite beds within the Beni Ider Flysch Fm. in the Ksar-es-Seghir area (Maghrebian Flysch Basin, Northern Rif, Morocco): stratigraphic correlations and geodynamic implications.
2007 Zaghloul, M. N.; DI STASO, Angelida; DE CAPOA, Paola; Perrone, V.
The age of the oceanic accretionary wedge and onset of continental collision in the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain.
2004 DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Guerrera, F.; Perrone, V.; Tramontana, M.
The progress of knowledge about the Miocene successions of the Southern Apennines following Selli's papers of 1957 and 1962
2005 Amore, O. F.; Bonardi, Glauco; DI STASO, Angelida; Ciampo, Giuliano; DE CAPOA, Paola; Morabito, S.; Ruggiero, Emma
Oligocene to Early Miocene depositional and structural evolution of the Calabria–Peloritani Arc southern terrane (Italy) and geodynamic correlations with the Spain Betics and Morocco Rif.
2003 Bonardi, Glauco; DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Estévez, A.; MARTÍN MARTÍN, M.; MARTÍN ROJAS, I.; Perrone, V.; TENT MANCLÚS, J. E.
The age of the Paludi Formation: a major constraint to the beginning of the Apulia verging orogenic transport in the northern sector of the Calabria – Peloritani Arc.
2005 Bonardi, Glauco; DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Perrone, V.; Sonnino, M.; Tramontana, M.
Nouvelle datation et interprétation de la succession sédimentaire de Fiumara Sant'Angelo (Monts Péloritains; Italie méridionale): conséquences pour la paléogéographie mésozoïque de la Mediterranée centrale.
2002 Cecca, F.; Critelli, S.; DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Giardino, S.; Messina, A.; Perrone, V.
The age of the foredeep sedimentation in the Betic-Rifian Mauretanian Units: a major constraint for the reconstruction of the tectonic evolution of the Gibraltar Arc.
2007 DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Perrone, V.; Zaghloul, M. N.
Nuovi dati sui flysch del Cilento (Appennino meridionale, Italia).
2004 Cammarosano, Antonella; Cavuoto, Giuseppe; Danna, Massimo; DE CAPOA, Paola; DE RIENZO, F.; DI STASO, Angelida; Giardino, S.; Martelli, L.; Nardi, Giuseppe; Sgrosso, Andrea; Toccaceli, R. M.; Valente, A.
Stratigraphy of the pre-flysch marly-calcareous turbiditic Formations of the Beni Ider Nappe (Flysch Basin Domain, Rif, Morocco): Correlation through the Maghrebian and Apenninc Chains and geodynamic implications
2005 DI STASO, Angelida; DE CAPOA, Paola; Perrone, V.; Zaghloul, M. N.
The extention of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin in the Apenninic Chain: paleogeographic and paleotectonic implications. In: Apports des connaissances géologiques au développement des régions nord du Maroc: la chaîne rifaine dans son cadre méditerranéen occidental. Actes du Séminaire RIF – 2001.
2003 DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Guerrera, F.; Perrone, V.; Tramontana, M.
Preparation techniques and methodological approach to calcareous nannoplankton analysis in silico- and calciclastic turbidites.
2003 DE CAPOA, Paola; DI DONATO, Valentino; DI STASO, Angelida; Giardino, S.; Rinaldi, Silvana
New biostratigraphic evidences in the central-eastern belt of the Vardar Zone (Internal Dinarides). In: Tra Alpi, Dinaridi e Adriatico; Atti dell’ 80a Riunione Estiva S.G.I. Carulli & Ponton (Eds).
2002 DE CAPOA, Paola; DI STASO, Angelida; Giardino, S.; Radoičić, R.
Mise en evidence du Burdigalien superieur dans les successions greso-marneuses et dans les marnes a silexites de Dchar Foual (Flysch de Beni Ider, Domaine du Flysch, Rif septentrional-Maroc).
2004 Zaghloul, M. N.; DI STASO, Angelida; DE CAPOA, Paola; Perrone, V.
Preparation techniques and methodological approach to calcareous nannoplankton analysis in silico− and calciclastic turbidites
2004 DE CAPOA, Paola; DI DONATO, Valentino; DI STASO, Angelida; Giardino, S.; Rinaldi, Silvana