Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.006
EU - Europa 573
AS - Asia 355
SA - Sud America 6
AF - Africa 1
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.943
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 957
IT - Italia 204
SG - Singapore 192
UA - Ucraina 143
CN - Cina 68
SE - Svezia 60
FI - Finlandia 51
CA - Canada 48
HK - Hong Kong 48
DE - Germania 39
VN - Vietnam 36
IE - Irlanda 35
GB - Regno Unito 11
BG - Bulgaria 6
CL - Cile 6
IN - India 5
RO - Romania 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
CY - Cipro 4
FR - Francia 3
GR - Grecia 3
NL - Olanda 3
AT - Austria 2
ES - Italia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EU - Europa 1
JP - Giappone 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 1.943
Città #
Singapore 154
Jacksonville 149
Chandler 116
Santa Clara 107
Princeton 54
Hong Kong 48
Ottawa 44
Boston 42
Naples 39
Millbury 37
Dong Ket 36
Napoli 29
Nanjing 28
Wilmington 28
Dublin 13
Des Moines 12
Orange 12
Norwalk 10
Dallas 9
Lawrence 7
Nanchang 7
Cagliari 6
Forlì 6
Pimonte 6
Redwood City 6
Shenyang 6
Sofia 6
Ashburn 5
Houston 4
Seattle 4
Tianjin 4
Timisoara 4
Amsterdam 3
Beijing 3
Changsha 3
Falls Church 3
Hebei 3
Jiaxing 3
Kronberg 3
Messina 3
Moscow 3
Orta di Atella 3
Rome 3
Shanghai 3
Boardman 2
Bologna 2
Castelfranci 2
Cernobbio 2
Corfu 2
Fairfield 2
Indiana 2
Le Bouscat 2
Milan 2
Montreal 2
Mugnano di Napoli 2
New York 2
Nola 2
Prineville 2
Redmond 2
San Nicola 2
Shenzhen 2
Spittal an der Drau 2
Teano 2
Toronto 2
Zhengzhou 2
Agropoli 1
Ann Arbor 1
Athens 1
Auckland 1
Aversa 1
Capaccio 1
Capri 1
Castel Volturno 1
Cefalù 1
Changchun 1
Clifton 1
Cremona 1
Durham 1
Edinburgh 1
Falkenstein 1
Galati 1
Genoa 1
Guangzhou 1
Hyderabad 1
Istanbul 1
Jaipur 1
Kunming 1
Lanzhou 1
Lappeenranta 1
Los Angeles 1
Lyngby 1
Maratea 1
Marlow 1
Mexico City 1
Mountain View 1
Mumbai 1
Munich 1
Nocera Superiore 1
Pompei 1
Portici 1
Totale 1.151
Nome #
Effective fluid description of the dark universe 66
Combinatorics of Wilson loops in N$$ mathcalN $$ 4 SYM theory 60
Stretched horizon and entropy of superstars 57
Congressino UNITA 55
Correlation Functions in Holographic Renormalization Group Flows 46
Photons in a ball 46
Progress on holographic three-point functions 45
Glueballs vs. gluinoballs: Fluctuation spectra in non-AdS/non-CFT 44
An Alternative Regularization Scheme for the AdS/CFT Correspondence 44
Covariant Holographic Renormalization of Non-Conformal Field Theories 44
Guest Editor 43
Generalized supergravity equations and generalized Fradkin-Tseytlin counterterm 42
Consistent Linearized Gravity in Brane Backgrounds 41
An improved correspondence formula for AdS/CFT with multi-trace operators 40
Hawking radiation is corpuscular 38
Characterization of the magnetic structure of Cr on Pd(001) by spin-polarized and angle-resolved photoelectron diffraction 37
Calculated spin and angular resolved photoelectron diffraction spectra for magnetite 36
On the Phase Transition of Conformal Field Theories with Holographic Duals 36
Calculated spin polarization and magnetic dichroism of photoelectron diffraction spectra for magnetite below the Verwey Temperature 36
Conceptual and technical challenges for quantum gravity 36
Comparison of the spin polarization of the photoelectron diffraction spectra for different structure models of magnetite (111) layers 35
Conformal field theory correlators from classical field theory on anti-de Sitter space: Vector and spinor fields 35
Conformal field theory correlators from classical scalar field theory on anti-de Sitter space 35
Bulk dynamics in confining gauge theories 34
Perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of pure N=1 super Yang-Mills theory from wrapped branes 33
Spinor Parallel Propagator and Green Function in Maximally Symmetric Spaces 33
Magnetic behaviour of Rhodium on Silver (001) 32
Krylov complexity and orthogonal polynomials 31
Regular and Irregular Boundary Conditions in the AdS/CFT Correspondence 31
Running Scaling Dimensions in Holographic Renormalization Group Flows 31
Holographic Renormalization and Ward Identities with the Hamilton-Jacobi Method 30
New results on holographic three-point functions 29
Ideas on the semi-Classical Path Integral over Embedded Manifolds 29
Geodesics and Newton's Law in Brane Backgrounds 29
Instability of de Sitter space and corpuscular nature of gravity 29
Phase transitions of CFTs with holographic duals 28
Ladder operators for the Klein-Gordon equation with a scalar curvature term 28
Conformal Primary Basis for Dirac Spinors 28
Glueball scattering amplitudes from holography 27
Holographic Renormalization of Two-Point Functions in Non-AdS/Non-CFT 27
D5-Branes and Quantum Impurity Models 27
Holographic Renormalisation and Anomalies 25
Wess-Zumino Model and the AdS_4/CFT_3 Correspondence 25
HoloGrav:2012 25
Counting photons in static electric and magnetic fields 25
Towards Holographic Renormalization of Fake Supergravity 24
One-loop Effective Action of the Holographic Antisymmetric Wilson Loop 24
Antisymmetric Wilson loops in N= 4 SYM: from exact results to non-planar corrections 24
Holographic renormalization and Ward identities with the Hamilton-Jacobi method 23
Spectral Functions in Holographic Renormalization Group Flows 22
Note on generating functions and connected correlators of 1/2-BPS Wilson loops in N=4 SYM theory 22
Exact 1/N expansion of Wilson loop correlators in $$ mathcal{N} $$ = 4 Super-Yang-Mills theory 21
Erratum: Polyakov loop of antisymmetric representations as a quantum impurity model [Phys. Rev. D 83, 066006 (2011)] 20
Spectra of certain holographic ABJM Wilson loops in higher rank representations 20
Polyakov Loop of Anti-symmetric Representations as a Quantum Impurity Model 19
On the number of soft quanta in classical field configurations 19
Black holes and Marchenko-Pastur distribution 17
Quantum portrait of a black hole with Pöschl-Teller potential 17
Gauge/String Duality 16
Reparameterization dependence is useful for holographic complexity 16
Very Special Relativity in Curved Space-Times 15
Holographic Dimers 15
Semiclassical quantization of the superstring and Hagedorn temperature 13
Reparametrization dependence and holographic complexity of black holes 13
Beyond AdS2/dCFT1: insertions in two Wilson loops 12
Hagedorn temperature in holography: world-sheet and effective approaches 8
Totale 2.013
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.100
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.100

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202097 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 6 36 48
2020/2021338 8 27 52 29 30 33 34 2 36 10 35 42
2021/2022281 12 6 3 2 3 7 11 12 32 17 67 109
2022/2023294 62 19 18 17 31 26 1 24 59 3 24 10
2023/2024210 9 36 47 4 6 2 4 10 4 3 44 41
2024/2025431 89 131 10 7 26 97 71 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.013