Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.211
EU - Europa 1.389
AS - Asia 1.313
SA - Sud America 28
AF - Africa 11
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 4.960
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.167
SG - Singapore 629
IT - Italia 574
HK - Hong Kong 347
CN - Cina 287
RU - Federazione Russa 148
IE - Irlanda 144
FI - Finlandia 114
FR - Francia 112
NL - Olanda 82
DE - Germania 66
SE - Svezia 60
CA - Canada 41
UA - Ucraina 41
GB - Regno Unito 26
BR - Brasile 20
IN - India 19
JP - Giappone 11
AU - Australia 7
IR - Iran 7
AT - Austria 6
CH - Svizzera 5
BO - Bolivia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
TR - Turchia 4
ET - Etiopia 3
AR - Argentina 2
DZ - Algeria 2
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
KR - Corea 2
LY - Libia 2
MZ - Mozambico 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BE - Belgio 1
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ES - Italia 1
EU - Europa 1
IL - Israele 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MX - Messico 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RS - Serbia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 4.960
Città #
Singapore 453
Hong Kong 344
Chandler 308
Santa Clara 252
Ashburn 180
Millbury 136
Naples 134
Princeton 122
Nanjing 110
Boston 79
Des Moines 79
Amsterdam 78
Napoli 63
Jacksonville 52
Wilmington 46
Ottawa 33
Hebei 28
Lawrence 28
Beijing 26
Nanchang 26
Redwood City 22
Milan 20
Rome 20
Shenyang 19
Aversa 15
Salerno 15
Dublin 14
Seattle 13
Tianjin 13
Jiaxing 11
Cologne 10
Lucino 10
Munich 10
Changsha 9
Bergamo 8
Council Bluffs 8
Kronberg 8
Falls Church 7
Los Angeles 7
Norwalk 7
Washington 7
Woodbridge 7
Boardman 6
Brest 6
Dallas 6
Fairfield 6
Frattamaggiore 6
Helsinki 6
Montecorvino Rovella 6
Nottingham 6
Nuremberg 6
Caserta 5
Contrada 5
Lappeenranta 5
Moscow 5
Portici 5
Pune 5
Quadrelle 5
Wuhan 5
Ann Arbor 4
Brno 4
Cosenza 4
Cutrofiano 4
Eboli 4
Edinburgh 4
Fremont 4
Genova 4
La Paz 4
Monza 4
New York 4
Paris 4
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 4
Santa Maria a Vico 4
Shenzhen 4
Tokyo 4
Addis Ababa 3
Cambridge 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Geneva 3
Guangzhou 3
Lanzhou 3
Luft 3
Prineville 3
Qualiano 3
Sant'Anastasia 3
Shukugawara 3
Siano 3
Stockholm 3
Sunshine Coast 3
Antibes 2
Arzano 2
Bagno A Ripoli 2
Belmonte Mezzagno 2
Brasília 2
Casapulla 2
Cascina 2
Catania 2
Cava 2
Cesa 2
Chongqing 2
Totale 3.059
Nome #
FORCE: A FORmation Flying SAR Based on CubEsat Assemblies 164
Unsupervised Rapid Flood Mapping Using Sentinel-1 GRD SAR Images 61
Maritime Surveillance with Synthetic Aperture Radar 60
A New Framework for SAR Multitemporal Data RGB Representation: Rationale and Products 50
An end-user-oriented framework for the classification of multitemporal SAR images 48
Feature Extraction From Multitemporal SAR Images Using Selforganizing Map Clustering and Object-Based Image Analysis 47
A Novel Approach for Disaster Monitoring: Fractal Models and Tools 46
Polarimetric Two-Scale Two-Component Model for the Retrieval of Soil Moisture Under Moderate Vegetation via L-Band SAR Data 46
The role of resolution in the estimation of fractal dimension maps from SAR data 46
Benchmarking Framework for Multitemporal SAR Despeckling 45
Angle Independence Properties of Fractal Dimension Maps Estimated From SAR Data 44
A Method for the Reduction of Ship-Detection False Alarms due to SAR Azimuth Ambiguity 43
Model-Based Multitemporal SAR RGB Products for Land and Water Management 43
Earth environmental monitoring using multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar: A critical review of selected applications 43
Remote Sensing for Developing Countries: Landsat Data and GIS 42
The Effects of Acquisition Geometry on SAR Images of Natural Scenes 41
Scattering Model for a Couple of Buildings in SAR Images 41
Scattering-Based Nonlocal Means SAR Despeckling 41
Urban Areas Enhancement in Multitemporal SAR RGB Images Using Adaptive Coherence Window and Texture Information 41
A Unified Formulation of SAR Raw Signals from Extended Scenes for All Acquisition Modes with Application to Simulation 41
Design of Low-Cost Active Reflectors for Advanced InSAR Applications: First Results 40
Hydrological modeling in ungauged basins using SAR data 40
Water resource monitoring in semi-arid environment through the synergic use of SAR data and hydrological models 40
A fully convolutional neural network for low-complexity single-stage ship detection in Sentinel-1 SAR images 40
Benchmarking Framework for SAR Despeckling 38
Use of high resolution SAR images for modeling watershed response in semi-arid regions 38
Acquisition modes 38
The Effects of Finite Resolution on Radar Images of Fractal Profiles 37
A Novel Model for the Images of Fractal Profiles 37
Soil moisture retrieval from polarimetric SAR data: A short review of existing methods and a new one 37
Multitemporal synthetic aperture radar for urban planning and critical infrastructure monitoring 37
Long-term satellite monitoring of the Slumgullion landslide using space-borne synthetic aperture radar sub-pixel offset tracking 37
Remote Sensing for Developing Countries: Landsat Data and GIS 36
Estimation of Natural Surfaces Parameters From TerraSAR-X Data 36
Glacier monitoring using frequency domain offset tracking applied to sentinel-1 images: A product performance comparison 36
Monitoring Soil Erosion and Reservoir Sedimentation in Semi-arid Region Through Remote Sensed SAR Data: A Case Study in Yatenga Region, Burkina Faso 36
SAR Image Post-Processing for the Estimation of Fractal Parameters 35
A physically-based approach for SAR speckle simulation 35
Analysis of the fractal dimension of volcano geomorphology through Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) amplitude images acquired in C and X band 35
Ambiguity problems and their mitigation 35
X-Band SAR Antenna Design for a CubeSat Formation-Flying Remote Sensing Mission 34
La Terra è blu: il telerilevamento delle acque come risorsa per tutti 34
Modeling Watershed Response in Semiarid Regions With High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radars 34
Mapping small reservoirs in semi-arid regions using multitemporal SAR: Methods and applications 34
A new convenient tool for ice sheets exploration the fractal dimension 34
Pol-SARAS: A fully polarimetric SAR raw signal simulator for extended soil surfaces 34
Fractal Models and Tools for Disaster Monitoring 33
A Physical Model for Speckle in SAR Images 33
Electromagnetic Model for SAR Imaging of Natural Surfaces 33
The Effect of Polarization on Fractal Dimension Maps Estimated from SAR Data 33
Scattering-Based SARBM3D 33
On the fractal nature of volcano morphology detected via SAR image analysis: the case of Somma–Vesuvius Volcanic Complex 32
COSMO-SkyMed AO projects - Buildings Feature Extraction from Single SAR Images 32
Generating Surface Fractal Dimension Maps from SAR Data 32
A new perspective for multitemporal SAR data analysis 32
A stochastic model for very high resolution SAR amplitude images of urban areas 32
RGB SAR products: methods and applications 32
Urban areas extraction from multitemporal SAR RGB images using interferometric coherence and textural information 32
An end-user-oriented framework for RGB representation of multitemporal SAR images and visual data mining 32
Fractal dimension images from SAR images 32
Sensitivity analysis of a scattering-based nonlocal means despeckling algorithm 32
Maritime Surveillance Using Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry: The Role of the Scattering Configuration and Receiving Polarization Channel 32
null 31
Fractal dimension estimation from fully polarimetric SAR data 31
Multitemporal Level-1β Products: Definitions, Interpretation, and Applications 31
Physical models for evaluating the interferometric coherence of potential persistent scatterers 31
Bistatic scattering from a canonical building 31
A New Tool for Road Network Deformations Monitoring Through Space-Born SAR Data and In-Situ Instruments 30
Integration of SAR and GEOBIA for the analysis of time-series data 30
Effectiveness of high-resolution SAR for water resource management in low-income semi-arid countries 30
On Shape from Shading and SAR Images: An Overview and a New Perspective 30
Closed-Form Anisotropic Polarimetric Two-Scale Model for Fast Evaluation of Sea Surface Backscattering 30
Estimation of the Local Incidence Angle Map from a Single SAR Image 30
Using GEOBIA for feature extraction from multitemporal SAR images: Preliminary results 30
Fractal Based Filtering of SAR Images 29
Fractal filtering applied to SAR images of urban areas 29
Synthetic Aperture Radars for Humanitarian Purposes: Products and Opportunities 29
A New Algorithm for Building Feature Extraction from Single Amplitude SAR Images 29
A Physical Approach for SAR Speckle Simulation: First Results 29
Sentinel-1 for Monitoring Reservoirs: A Performance Analysis 29
Sentinel-1 multitemporal SAR products 29
Orthogonal Coprime Synthetic Aperture Radar 29
Fractal-based local range slope estimation from single SAR image with applications to SAR despeckling and topographic mapping 29
Planning 5G Networks under EMF Constraints: State of the Art and Vision 29
Electromagnetic Scattering from a Canonical Target over an Anisotropic Rough Surface using Geometrical Optics 29
Assessing Performance of Multitemporal SAR Image Despeckling Filters via a Benchmarking Tool 29
Slope-Corrected Vegetation-Corrected Polarimetric Two-Scale Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval 29
Fractal Parameters and SAR Images 28
Fractal Analysis of SAR Images for Vulcano Monitoring: The Case of Vesuvio 28
Landscape roughness analysis of Mt. Etna volcanic complex detected via fractal geometry 28
Monitoring of flooding in urban areas 27
Use of High Resolution Satellite Images for the Calibration of Hydro-geological Models in Semi-Arid Regions: A Case Study 27
High Resolution SAR for Monitoring of Reservoirs Sedimentation and Soil Erosion in Semi Arid Regions 27
A novel high level SAR product: fractal dimension map 27
Urban areas enhancement in multitemporal SAR RGB images through a feedback system 27
Extracting Compact Information from Image Benchmarking Tools: The SAR Despeckling Case 26
Power Spectra of Very High Resolution SAR Amplitude Images of Urban Areas 26
Totale 3.604
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.936
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.936

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 9 38 25
2020/2021228 7 11 14 9 21 35 22 20 41 23 22 3
2021/2022694 3 0 30 9 3 35 16 34 147 9 82 326
2022/2023835 156 72 32 46 79 75 8 86 128 89 45 19
2023/2024790 24 102 75 124 47 102 20 26 31 17 153 69
2024/20251.638 271 297 34 28 139 221 480 168 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.135