Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.161
EU - Europa 2.915
AS - Asia 1.102
AF - Africa 47
OC - Oceania 12
SA - Sud America 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 7.251
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.106
IT - Italia 1.882
SG - Singapore 658
CN - Cina 400
UA - Ucraina 271
FI - Finlandia 160
DE - Germania 158
IE - Irlanda 146
GB - Regno Unito 74
SE - Svezia 65
FR - Francia 57
CA - Canada 54
NL - Olanda 41
CI - Costa d'Avorio 39
IN - India 14
ES - Italia 12
AU - Australia 10
CH - Svizzera 9
IR - Iran 9
VN - Vietnam 8
MA - Marocco 7
PT - Portogallo 7
AT - Austria 6
RO - Romania 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
CO - Colombia 4
EU - Europa 4
JP - Giappone 4
PL - Polonia 4
CL - Cile 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GR - Grecia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MY - Malesia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PK - Pakistan 2
SM - San Marino 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TR - Turchia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
BE - Belgio 1
BR - Brasile 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 7.251
Città #
Chandler 565
Singapore 542
Naples 282
Jacksonville 274
Millbury 209
Princeton 167
Santa Clara 146
Napoli 134
Nanjing 125
Rome 121
Boston 110
Ashburn 99
Beijing 87
Wilmington 77
Des Moines 65
Milan 49
Woodbridge 42
Ottawa 41
Lawrence 36
Nanchang 30
Cagliari 29
Kronberg 29
Hebei 27
Bari 26
Shenyang 24
Tianjin 24
Jiaxing 22
Redwood City 20
Boardman 18
Como 18
Norwalk 18
Changsha 16
Amsterdam 15
Leawood 14
Airola 12
Portici 12
Caserta 11
Florence 11
Torre Annunziata 11
Dearborn 10
Dublin 10
Falls Church 10
Gallarate 10
Houston 10
Sucy-en-Brie 10
Augusta 9
Catania 9
Giugliano in Campania 9
Pisa 9
Seattle 9
Shenzhen 9
Trieste 9
Aiello Del Sabato 8
Dong Ket 8
Fairfield 8
Indiana 8
Pozzuoli 8
Altamura 7
Benevento 7
Centrale 7
Fucecchio 7
Montecosaro 7
Oegstgeest 7
Perugia 7
San Mateo 7
Torino 7
Toronto 7
Tétouan 7
Washington 7
Armilla 6
Helsinki 6
Nocera Inferiore 6
Palermo 6
Potsdam 6
Quarto 6
Sydney 6
Ardabil 5
Bologna 5
Castellammare di Stabia 5
Cluj-Napoca 5
Dallas 5
Erfurt 5
Marigliano 5
Mountain View 5
New York 5
Orange 5
Paris 5
Potenza 5
Pune 5
Taranto 5
Valenzano 5
Valgreghentino 5
Zanica 5
Acquaviva Delle Fonti 4
Afragola 4
Angri 4
Bolzano 4
Capri 4
Eboli 4
Genova 4
Totale 3.960
Nome #
Carta Geologica dei Campi Flegrei - Geological map of Campi Flegrei 1:25000 669
Guide Geologiche Regionali _ 13 itinerari - Campania e Molise 144
Il Piperno - Guida alla visita delle cave di piperno a Pianura (Napoli) 122
Morfo-stratigrafia e paleoambienti olocenici dell’area peri-urbana di Poseidonia-Paestum. 105
Proposta di Geositi nel quadro di una nuova cartografia geologica dei Campi Flegrei. 98
La distruzione di Oplontis: relazione tra le fasi dell’eruzione del 79 d.C. e i danni rilevati nella villa di Poppea. 91
Il Vesuvio tra vulcanologia e archeologia 83
La Solfatara: rilevamento vulcanologico e proposta di istituzione di un Geosito nei Campi Flegrei. 73
New proximal tephras at Somma-Vesuvius: evidences of a pre-caldera, large (?) explosive eruption 71
The "Tufo Giallo della Via Tiberina" (Sabatini Volcanic District, Central Italy): a complex system of lithification in a pyroclastic current deposit 69
Caratteri geochimici del mantello sorgente del magmatismo napoletano: nuove conoscenze dallo studio delle ofioliti del settore lucano dell???Appenino Meridionale 67
A late Middle Pleistocene climatic cycle in southern Italy inferred from pollen analysis and tephrostratigraphy of the Acerno lacustrine succession. 61
Urban management to mitigate natural hazar: Urban management in area exposed to natural hazard: an example from Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy) 58
Analysis of AD 79 eruption pyroclastic currents impact on a Roman villa in the Pompeii area 55
Volcanic risk and territory in Campania. An integrated volcanological and territorial planning approach to volcanic risk assessment at Campi Flegrei and Somma Vesuvio (Southern Italy). 55
Pompeii geoarchaeological setting – An archive older than 40,000 years of volcanism, soil formation and geoarchaeological landscape 55
A methodology for the evaluation of volcanic risk in Campi Flegrei. 54
Caratterizzazione dei depositi piroclastici da caduta di eruzioni del Vesuvio ai fini della definizione della loro pericolosità da carico. Tesi di dottorato Dott. Bucca Letizia 54
Vrica-Crotone and Montalbano Jonico sections: a potential unit-stratotype of the Calabrian Stage. 54
Insights into Pre-Campanian Ignimbrite volcanism in the Campanian Plain (Southern Italy): a Melt Inclusions Approach 52
Self-Fluidization of subaerial rapid granular flows 52
A decoupled kinematic model for active normal faults: Insights from the 1980, MS = 6.9 Irpinia earthquake, southern Italy 52
Evolution of the Late Quaternary San Gregorio Magno tectono-karstic basin (southern Italy) inferred from geomorphological, tephrostratigraphical and paleoecological analyses: tectonic implications 51
Active tectonics in the southern Matese area: insights from geomorphological, morphometrical, stratigraphical, structural and tephrostratigraphical data 51
Groundwater in the areas Est and South of Napoli 51
New constraints on the occurrence of Y-3 Upper Pleistocene tephra marker layer in the Tyrrhenian Sea. 49
Origin of nodules in the 20 ka Pomici di Base-Sarno eruption of Mt. Somma-Vesuvius, Italy, based on geochemistry of melt inclusiuons. 49
GEOCITY: a drill-hole database as a tool to assess geological hazard in Napoli urban area. 47
Dal Monte Nuovo a Cuma: un itinerario nei Campi Flegrei tra vulcanologia ed archeologia. 46
Fluidization And Attrition Of Pyroclastic Granular Solids. 46
A high resolution tephrochronological record of MIS 14-12 in the Southern Apennines (Acerno basin, Italy). 46
Constraining mountain front tectonic activity in extensional setting from geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy: A case study from the Matese ridge, southern Apennines 46
Pyroclastic Granular Solids: An Experimental Study On Conditions Enhancing The Fluidized State. 45
The hazard indices as a tool to support the territorial planning: The case study of Ischia island (Southern Italy) 45
New geomorphological and stratigraphical constraints to the recent tectonic activity of the Calore river fault system 45
Late Quaternary tephra layers along the Cilento coastline (southern Italy) 44
Volcanic hazard and risk assessment from pyroclastic flows at Ischia island (Southern Italy). 44
Late Quaternary buried lagoons in the northern Campania plain (southern Italy): evolution of a coastal system under the influence of volcano-tectonics and eustatism. 44
Multiproxy approach to urban geology of the historical center of Naples, Italy 44
A comprehensive hazard and risk map for the areas exposed to active volcanoes in Campania Region (southern Italy). 43
Inquadramento geologico dei Campi Flegrei. 43
Risk assessment of the impact of pyroclastic currents on the towns located around Vesuvio: a non-linear structural inverse analysis 42
Self-fluidization of Fastly-Moving Granular Gravity Currents with Implication on Pyroclastic Flows 42
Il Vesuvio: quando il bello non coincide con il buono. 42
I Campi Flegrei e il Somma Vesuvio fra Vulcanologia e Archeologia 42
New morpho-stratigraphic constraints for the evolution of the alluvial fan system along the northern slopes of the Taburno-Camposauro Mountains (Calore River basin, Southern Italy) 42
A roadmap for amphibious drilling at the Campi Flegrei caldera: insights from a MagellanPlus workshop 42
Fluidization and attrition of pyroclastic granular solids. 41
Vesuvius through history and science 41
An integrated stratigraphical approach to the Middle Pleistocene succession of the Sessano basin (Molise, Italy) 40
Volcanic hazard and risk assessment in a multi-source volcanic area: the example of Napoli city (Southern Italy) 39
Mapping the vulnerability for evacuation of the Campi Flegrei territorial system in case of a volcanic unrest 39
Geomorphic response to late Quaternary tectonics in the axial portion of the Southern Apennines (Italy): a case study from the Calore River valley 39
Fluidization and de-aeration of pyroclastic mixtures: the influence of fines content, polydispersity and shear flow. 38
Self-fluidization of fastly moving gravity currents with implication on pyroclastic flow 38
The Effectiveness of Geotrails to Support Sustainable Development in the Campi Flegrei Active Volcanic Area 37
Volcanic risk and evolution of the territorial system in the active volcanic areas of Campania. 37
Holocene palaeo-geographical evolution of the Sele river coastal plain: new morpho-sedimentary data from the Paestum area 37
Evolution of the Late Quaternary San Gregorio Magno tectono-karstic basin (southern Italy) inferred from geomorphological, tephrostratigraphical and paleoecological analyses: tectonic implications. 36
La Solfatara: una proposta di Geosito nei Campi Flegrei. 36
Applications of the PUFF model to forecasts of volcanic clouds dispersal from Etna and Vesuvio. 36
Combined geochemical and isotopic analyses as a tool for identifying tephrostratigraphic markers in distal sequences of Middle-Upper Pleistocene 36
Melt/rock interaction: case study from Mt. Pollino ophiolites (Basilicata, Southern Italy) 36
The alluvial fan system of the northern slope of the Camposauro Mountain: the role of tectonics and climatic fluctuations since the late Middle Pleistocene 36
Landslides, volcanism and volcano-tectonics: the fragility of the Neapolitan territory. Cities on Volcanoes 10 Meeting – Napoli 2018 36
Volcanic hazard assessment at volcanic fields: the Campi Flegrei case history 35
A late Middle Pleistocene climatic cycle in southern Italy inferred from pollen analysis and tephrostratigraphy of the Acerno lacustrine succession. 35
Volcanic risk and evolution of the territorial system in the volcanic areas of Campania 35
Un ponte tra la Scuola e l’Università per la divulgazione delle Scienze della Terra: l’esperienza del DiSTAR 35
The key role of hazard indices and hotspot in disaster risk management: the case study of Napoli and Pozzuoli municipalities (Southern Italy) 35
Vulcanismo e territorio nell’area dei Campi Fegrei. 34
Vent Opening Probability (VOP)assessment at Ischia island: An application of spatial analysis to assessment of probability of new volcanic vents opening at Ischia island (Southern Italy). 34
The late Quaternary tephrostratigraphical record of the San Gregorio Magno Basin (southern Italy) 34
Volcanic risk and territory in Campania. An integrated volcanological and territorial planning approach to volcanic risk assessment at Campi Flegrei and Somma Vesuvio (Southern Italy). 34
Integrated biostratigraphy as a tool to date the sub-marine volcanic activity of Palmarola island (Pontine islands, Tyrrhenian sea.) 34
Processi di erosione e sedimentazione nei campi carsici: un esempio dai Piani di Ischia, Monte Terminio, Italia Meridionale. 34
He isotopes in mafic phenocrysts from products of the Neapolitan Volcanoes (Southern Italy): constraints on the geochemical features of the mantle sources 34
Zeolite chemistry and distribution in a Neapolitan yellow tuff deposit 33
Sr-He-O isotopes in mafic phenocrysts from products of the Neapolitan volcanoes (southern Italy): constraints on the geochemical features of the mantle sources 33
The Ideale section at Montalbano Jonico (southern Italy): a Standard Auxiliary Boundary Stratotype (SABS) for the Middle Pleistocene Subseries of the Quaternary System 32
Il Serapeo e i Granai Imperiali di Pozzuoli 32
Small and large scale inhomogeneities in the magma chamber of the 18.6 ka Sarno plinian eruption of Mt Somma-Vesuvius (Italy) based on melt inclusion studies in nodules 32
Tephrostratigraphy of the A.D. 79 pyroclastic deposits in perivolcanic areas of Mt. Vesuvio (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 58, 133-149 32
A multidisciplinary approach for reconstructing the stratigraphic framework of the last 40 ka in a bathial area of the eastern Tyrrhenian Sea. 32
Rischi in Campania: un Progetto Formativo e di Orientamento Liceo Statale “Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca” Di Napoli - Distar Federico II 32
Long-term volcanic hazard forecasts based on Somma-Vesuvio past eruptive activity. 31
The GeoCaF project: proposal of a geosites network at Campi Flegrei (southern Italy). 31
The Montalbano Jonico Section (Southern Italy): A Candidate for the GSSP of the Ionian Stage (Lower–Middle Pleistocene Boundary) 31
Multiple refertilisation of oceanic mantle: new insights into the evolution of the southern sector of the Ligurian Tethys from Mt. Pollino ophiolites (Basilicata, Southern Italy). 31
A 4,500-year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea 31
Mineral-Melt Equilibria and Geothermobarometry of Campi Flegrei Magmas: Inferences for Magma Storage Conditions 31
Occurrence of inter-eruption hyperconcentrated flood flow deposits on Vesuvio. 30
Volcanic risk and evolution of therritorial system in the active volcanic areas of Campania 30
Metodologie per la definizione della pericolosità nelle aree di vulcanismo attivo in Campania e implicazioni sulla pianificazione territoriale. Tesi di Dottorato - dott. Alberico Ines 30
Totale 5.266
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.943
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.943

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020336 0 0 0 0 0 26 23 28 18 51 89 101
2020/2021857 28 81 55 84 120 121 81 41 75 47 107 17
2021/20221.100 21 11 20 24 14 58 25 47 180 79 136 485
2022/20231.366 227 124 48 119 182 139 35 140 197 34 77 44
2023/20241.193 60 135 76 142 51 52 33 137 48 84 265 110
2024/20251.145 319 409 64 140 212 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.522