Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.993
EU - Europa 5.360
AS - Asia 2.484
SA - Sud America 37
AF - Africa 33
OC - Oceania 26
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 13.941
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.625
IT - Italia 2.703
SG - Singapore 1.014
CN - Cina 727
UA - Ucraina 529
DE - Germania 518
HK - Hong Kong 452
CA - Canada 362
GB - Regno Unito 332
FI - Finlandia 301
IE - Irlanda 294
SE - Svezia 222
NL - Olanda 118
IN - India 103
RU - Federazione Russa 69
FR - Francia 68
ES - Italia 59
JP - Giappone 54
BE - Belgio 42
AT - Austria 28
AU - Australia 26
KR - Corea 22
CI - Costa d'Avorio 21
CL - Cile 20
VN - Vietnam 20
TW - Taiwan 19
PT - Portogallo 18
TR - Turchia 15
RO - Romania 13
IR - Iran 11
BR - Brasile 10
GR - Grecia 10
ID - Indonesia 10
PL - Polonia 9
EG - Egitto 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
IL - Israele 7
EU - Europa 6
PK - Pakistan 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
MX - Messico 5
QA - Qatar 5
TH - Thailandia 5
BO - Bolivia 4
CH - Svizzera 4
LT - Lituania 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
NO - Norvegia 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CO - Colombia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
JO - Giordania 2
MC - Monaco 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
CR - Costa Rica 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PH - Filippine 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 13.941
Città #
Chandler 904
Singapore 795
Santa Clara 557
Jacksonville 527
Hong Kong 419
Naples 390
Napoli 353
Millbury 316
Princeton 274
Munich 237
Montréal 222
Nanjing 206
Ashburn 169
Boston 167
Mcallen 142
Rome 126
Wilmington 121
Ottawa 113
Woodbridge 106
Amsterdam 86
Beijing 81
Houston 79
Des Moines 75
Kronberg 69
Nanchang 69
Ann Arbor 67
Milan 66
Centro 59
Hebei 58
Seattle 53
Caserta 50
Dublin 50
Cagliari 49
Salerno 49
Norwalk 46
Boardman 44
Shenyang 43
Jiaxing 41
Turin 40
Lawrence 38
Bologna 37
Torre Annunziata 37
Pune 36
Changsha 32
Lappeenranta 32
Moscow 30
Casoria 28
Tianjin 28
Vienna 27
Taranto 21
Dong Ket 20
Kunming 19
Santiago 19
Redwood City 18
Falls Church 17
Dallas 16
London 16
Madrid 16
Stuttgart 15
Casalnuovo di Napoli 13
Shanghai 13
Brussels 12
Isernia 12
Orlando 12
Pompei 12
Potenza 12
Torino 12
Fairfield 11
Giugliano in Campania 11
Leuven 11
Melbourne 11
Portici 11
Sapporo 11
Tokyo 11
Chennai 10
Cologne 10
Daytona Beach 10
Meta 10
Salò 10
Torre del Greco 10
Aversa 9
Carinola 9
Italy 9
Maddaloni 9
Villaricca 9
Barcelona 8
Chilliwack 8
Helsinki 8
Hyderabad 8
Melito di Napoli 8
Mumbai 8
Paris 8
Pozzuoli 8
Qualiano 8
Redmond 8
Seoul 8
Agropoli 7
Caivano 7
Casalecchio di Reno 7
Castellammare Di Stabia 7
Totale 8.216
Nome #
Aerothermal Analysis of a Sample-Return Reentry Capsule 793
Mini-IRENE: Design Of Deployable Heat Shield Capsule For A Sounding Rocket Flight Experiment 270
Two-Hundred-Newton Laboratory-Scale Hybrid Rocket Testing for Paraffin Fuel-Performance Characterization 181
The Small Mars Satellite: a European small-size Mars lander 168
FORCE: A FORmation Flying SAR Based on CubEsat Assemblies 159
Aero-thermo-chemical characterization of ultra-high-temperature ceramics for aerospace applications 126
Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites for Hybrid Rocket Nozzles 115
Aerodynamic Analysis of the Aerospaceplane HYPLANE in Supersonic Rarefied Flow 106
Aerodynamic Control System for a Deployable Re-entry Capsule 101
Experimental and numerical assessment of regression rate and propulsive performance of 10N-class hybrid rockets for nanosatellite maneuvering 96
Computational Fluid-dynamic Simulations of Hybrid Rocket Internal Flow Including Discharge Nozzle 95
DSMC Aero-Thermo-Dynamic Analysis of a Deployable Capsule for Mars Entry 93
Aerodynamic Control System for a Deployable Re-Entry Capsule 93
Mini Irene Project: Ground Demonstrator Plasma Wind Tunnel Testing 89
Aerodinamica parte I fondamenti e principi 86
Aero-Thermo-Dynamic Analysis of a Low Ballistic Coefficient Deployable Capsule in Earth Re-Entry 84
Aerodynamic study of airframe-engine integration of a supersonic business jet 82
Development and flight test of a suborbital re-entry demonstrator 78
Experimental Characterization of an Impulsive Hydrogen Peroxide-based Rocket for Fine Orbit Control 78
IRENE - Italian re-entry nacelle for microgravity experiments 77
Adjustable aerobraking heat shield for Satellites deployment and recovery 75
Non-linear aero-elastic response of a multi-layer TPS 74
Heat transfer characteristics of flat plate pulsating heat pipe using self-rewetting fluids 69
Ablation tests on HfC- and TaC-based ceramics for aeropropulsive applications 68
Arc-jet wind tunnel characterization of ultra-high-temperature ceramic matrix composites 67
Thermal performance of self-rewetting fluid heat pipe containing dilute solutions of polymer-capped silver nanoparticles synthesized by microwave-polyol process 66
Analisi delle prestazioni di ugelli a spina con gas reagenti 64
Spazio: oltre 50 anni di storia in Campania 64
A benchmark study on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids 63
70 MW plasma wind tunnel up-grades for ESA Aurora TPS testing 62
Mini-IRENE: The First European Flight Experiment Of A Deployable Heat Shield 61
Small Mars satellite: A low-cost system for Mars exploration 61
Design and Testing of a Paraffin-Based 1000 N HRE Breadboard 61
Design and testing of a monopropellant thruster based on N2O decomposition in Pd/Al2O3 pellets catalytic bed 61
Recent Advances in Microgravity Fluid Dynamics 60
Heat pipes for space applications 60
Aero-thermo-dynamic Characterization of Large-scale Near-zero Ablation Thermal Protection Systems in Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites 60
Experimental characterization of a hydrogen peroxide-based thruster for small satellites 59
Aerothermal analysis of an advanced hot structure for hypersonic flight tests 58
The interaction between drops and solidification front in presence of Marangoni effect 58
Combined surface tension and buoyancy driven convection around a bubble on a heated surface 58
Upgrading of an Arc-heated Flow Facility for Reentry Simulation 58
Experimental and numerical simulation, by an arc-jet facility, of hypersonic flow in Titan's atmosphere 58
Aerothermodynamic and system analysis of a small hypersonic airplane (Hyplane) 58
The Small Mars System 58
Mini IRENE - Deployable Heat Shield For Suborbital Flight Test 58
Assessment of a deployable aerodynamic control system for microsatellites recovery 57
3D Analysis of crystal/melt interface shape and Marangoni flow instability in solidifying liquid bridges 57
A study of a high lift wing-body configuration for low earth orbit re-entry. 57
Aerothermodynamic and stability analyses of a deployable re-entry capsule 57
Mixed-Compression Supersonic Intake and Engine–Airframe Integration 56
Visualization of liquid distribution and dry-out in a single-channel heat pipe with different wettability 56
Heat transfer fluids 55
Compatibility of the microgravity environment of the International Space Station with Fluid and Material Science experimentation 54
Self-rewetting heat transfer fluids and nano-brines for space heat pipes 54
Combined fluid-dynamic modelling of hybrid rocket internal ballistics and nozzle heat transfer 54
Preliminary results of the sounding rocket experiment on oscillatory Marangoni flows in liquid bridge 53
Transient Computational Thermofluid-Dynamic Simulation of Hybrid Rocket Internal Ballistics 53
Influenza dell'effetto Marangoni sull'efficienza di heat pipes per applicazioni spaziali 52
Analisi sperimentale su materiale composito paravampe Teseo/Milas-Fremm 52
Computational fluid-dynamic modeling of the internal ballistics of paraffin-fueled hybrid rocket 52
Buoyancy and Marangoni effects in an evaporating drop 52
Transient Marangoni convection in hanging evaporating drops 51
A study on self-rewetting fluids for heat transfer in microgravity 51
Surface tension-driven flows and applications 51
Design and testing of a paraffin-based hybrid rocket demonstrator 51
Effect of hypersonic flow chemical composition on the oxidation behavior of a super-strong UHTC 51
Planetary entry simulation 50
Thermo-chemical surface instabilities of SiC-ZrB 2 ceramics in high enthalpy dissociated supersonic airflows 50
Preliminary design and study of 5N HTP monopropellant thruster for small satellites 49
The Ghibli plasma wind tunnel: description of the new CIRA PWT facility 49
Studio aerotermodinamico di sistemi di protezione termica innovativi per velivoli ipersonici 49
Conceptual design of de-orbit and re-entry modules for standard CubeSats 49
Computational Fluid-Dynamic Simulations of the Internal Ballistics of Hybrid Rocket Burning Paraffin-based Fuel 49
Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites in Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Environment 49
Hypersonic boost-glide systems: Flight mechanics and plasma parameters evaluation through aero-thermo-chemical computational fluid dynamics 48
Numerical and experimental analysis of surface catalycity effects for Martian atmosphere entry 48
Innovative heat pipes with self-rewetting fluids under normal and reduced gravity conditions 48
Recent development on heat pipes for ground and space applications 48
Rarefied aerodynamics of a deployable re-entry capsule 48
Effect of SiC concentration on aero-thermal behavior of ZrB2-based ceramics in hypersonic environment 48
The Fluid-dynamic disturbances induced on the ISS based on the first acceleration measurements on board the Space Station 47
Aerothermodynamic Study of an Advanced Thermal Protection System 47
The Fluid-dynamic disturbances induced on the ISS based on the first acceleration measurements on board the Space Station 47
Dissolution and solutal convection in partially miscible liquid systems 47
A thermo-fluid-dynamic model for a small-scale space-based greenhouse 47
60th International Astronautical Congress on Space for sustainable peace and progress 47
Testing ultra-high -temperature ceramics for thermal protection and rocket applications 47
Improved aero-thermal resistance capabilities of ZrB2-based ceramics in hypersonic environment for increasing SiC content 47
Compatibility of the microgravity environment of the international space station with fluid and material science experimentation 47
Preliminary Validation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling for Hypersonic Deployable Re-Entry Systems 46
Recent advancements in experimental and numerical characterization of paraffin-based fuels for hybrid rocket application 46
Propulsion tests on ultra-high-temperature ceramic matrix composites for reusable rocket nozzles 45
Convection induced by residual-g and g-jitters in diffusion experiments 45
Gershuni methodology for the evaluation of the disturbances induced onboard the International Space Station 45
Ground-based activities in preparation of microgravity experiments on heat pipes with self-rewetting fluids 45
Totale 7.370
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.926
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 52.926

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020734 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 93 85 124 159 187
2020/20211.494 43 115 185 143 129 193 131 43 222 84 160 46
2021/20221.737 53 22 19 47 27 66 40 82 298 94 242 747
2022/20232.207 353 179 96 235 240 262 37 207 254 115 174 55
2023/20242.027 104 224 112 133 126 172 107 254 66 169 373 187
2024/20252.803 488 663 94 117 379 443 619 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.449