Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.319
AS - Asia 369
EU - Europa 300
AF - Africa 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 2.000
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.304
SG - Singapore 299
IT - Italia 165
CN - Cina 34
SE - Svezia 29
UA - Ucraina 20
PK - Pakistan 17
IE - Irlanda 16
CA - Canada 15
FR - Francia 14
FI - Finlandia 13
GB - Regno Unito 12
IN - India 12
DE - Germania 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
RO - Romania 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
BE - Belgio 3
EU - Europa 3
JP - Giappone 3
AR - Argentina 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IR - Iran 2
AT - Austria 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CO - Colombia 1
NL - Olanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 2.000
Città #
Singapore 247
Chandler 187
Santa Clara 153
Boston 77
Lawrence 74
Des Moines 64
Millbury 59
Wilmington 57
Woodbridge 36
Ashburn 29
Fairfield 26
Jacksonville 19
Naples 19
Napoli 19
Nanjing 13
Ottawa 11
Rome 11
Princeton 10
Boardman 7
Gurgaon 7
Salerno 7
Andernos-les-bains 6
Ann Arbor 5
Prineville 5
Sofia 5
Dublin 4
Cambridge 3
Chengdu 3
Como 3
Horia 3
Kagoya 3
Kronberg 3
Nocera Inferiore 3
Padova 3
Pune 3
Timisoara 3
Changsha 2
Edinburgh 2
Florence 2
Genova 2
Hajdúnánás 2
Helsinki 2
Indiana 2
Jiaxing 2
Leuven 2
London 2
Marano Di Napoli 2
Nanchang 2
North Bergen 2
Norwalk 2
Redmond 2
San Cipriano Picentino 2
Seattle 2
Shenyang 2
Slough 2
Taranto 2
Trieste 2
Washington 2
Wuhan 2
Amiens 1
Amsterdam 1
Avellaneda 1
Bari 1
Bologna 1
Boscoreale 1
Caserta 1
Chelmsford 1
Cherbourg 1
Cologne 1
Falls Church 1
Federal 1
Forest City 1
Formia 1
Fort Worth 1
Guangzhou 1
Hebei 1
Houston 1
Islington 1
Kashan 1
Kunming 1
Lappeenranta 1
Mahestan 1
Medicina 1
Milan 1
Negrar 1
New Delhi 1
Orange 1
Palermo 1
Pimonte 1
Portsmouth 1
Pullman 1
Ravenna 1
Rimini 1
San Francisco 1
Springfield 1
Stockholm 1
Tempio Pausania 1
Tianjin 1
Torino 1
Toronto 1
Totale 1.274
Nome #
Integrating MPI-based Numerical Software into an Advanced Parallel Computing Environment 55
P2GP - Proportionality-based 2-phase Gradient Projection method 54
Convergence Analysis of an Inexact Potential Reduction Method for Convex Quadratic Programming 52
PRQP - Potential Reduction solver for Quadratic Programming 51
Embedding Parallel Quadrature Software into a HPC Environment 46
MLD2P4 (Multi-Level Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package based on PSBLAS) 44
On the steplength selection in gradient methods for unconstrained optimization 42
A genetic algorithm for a global optimization problem arising in the detection of gravitational waves 41
An efficient gradient method using the Yuan steplength 41
2LEV-D2P4: a package of high-performance preconditioners for scientific and engineering applications 39
A note on spectral properties of some gradient methods 37
Application of parallel algebraic multilevel domain decomposition preconditioners in large eddy simulations of wall-bounded turbulent flows: first experiments 35
Analisi dei pedocaratteri come indici della variabilità spaziale dei suoli della Piana di S. Eufemia (Calabria) 34
Advanced Environments for Parallel and Distributed Applications: a View of Current Status 33
Using gradient directions to get global convergence of Newton-type methods 33
A Comprehensive Atmospheric Chemistry Model for the Description of Dynamics of Reactive Pollutants 33
Efficient Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners on Clusters of GPUs 32
Topic 10: Parallel numerical algorithms 32
Building preconditioners for sequences of linear systems arising in optimization 32
A Comparison of Numerical Methods for Solving Diffusion-Reaction Equations in Air Quality Models 31
Directional TGV-based image restoration under Poisson noise 30
Development of a Parallel Two-Dimensional Mixed-Radix FFT Routine 30
Time discretization in the solution of parabolic PDEs with ANNs 29
Constraint-Preconditioned Krylov Solvers for Regularized Saddle-Point Systems 29
ACQUIRE: an inexact iteratively reweighted norm approach for TV-based Poisson image restoration 28
A Two-Phase Gradient Method for Quadratic Programming Problems with a Single Linear Constraint and Bounds on the Variables 27
Topic 16 - Integrated problem solving environments 27
A matrix-free approach to build band preconditioners for large-scale bound-constrained optimization 27
A Gradient-Based Globalization Strategy for the Newton Method 27
BFGS-like updates of constraint preconditioners for sequences of KKT linear systems in quadratic programming 27
On the use of Aggregation-based Parallel Multilevel Preconditioners in the LES of Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows 27
On spectral properties of steepest descent methods 26
Application of a photochemical air quality model to the Naples urban area and implications to local ozone control strategies 26
Parallel aggregation based on compatible weighted matching for AMG 25
Sparse Approximations with Interior Point Methods (to appear in December 2022) 25
Transmission dynamics and sensitivity analysis of pine wilt disease with asymptomatic carriers via fractal-fractional differential operator of Mittag-Leffler kernel 25
A Modified DIviding RECTangles Algorithm for a Problem in Astrophysics 24
Recent advances in nonlinear optimization and equilibrium problems: a tribute to Marco D'Apuzzo 24
SParC-LES: enabling large eddy simulations with parallel sparse matrix computation tools 24
C06MCFP: a Parallel One-Dimensional Mixed-Radix FFT Routine for MIMD Distributed-Memory Machines 24
Stopping criteria for inner iterations in inexact Potential Reduction methods: a computational study 24
A Parallel Software System for the Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution 24
On the Development of PSBLAS-based Parallel Two-level Schwarz Preconditioners 24
MLD2P4 User's and Reference Guide, software version 2.2 23
Parallel numerical algorithms 23
Application of a parallel photochemical air quality model to the Campania region (southern Italy) 23
Computational methods for protein fold prediction: An ab-initio topological approach 23
An Overview of Parallel Algorithms for Fast Fourier Transforms on MIMD Distributed-Memory Machines 22
Efficient preconditioner updates for shifted linear systems 22
Advanced Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing (special issue) 22
On the regularizing behavior of the SDA and SDC gradient methods in the solution of linear ill-posed problems 21
MLD2P4: a Package of Parallel Algebraic Multilevel Domain Decomposition Preconditioners in Fortran 95 21
An Operational Mesoscale Air Quality Model for the Campania Region 20
Towards an Efficient Implementation of an Accurate SPH Method 20
PNAM: Parallel Software for Air Quality Simulations in the Naples Area 20
Extending PSBLAS to Build Parallel Schwarz Preconditioners 20
Parallel Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution In Southern Italy 20
On mutual impact of numerical linear algebra and large-scale optimization with focus on interior point methods 19
On the update of constraint preconditioners for regularized KKT systems 19
Performance analysis of parallel Schwarz preconditioners in the les of turbulent channel flows 19
TGV-based restoration of Poissonian images with automatic estimation of the regularization parameter 19
Spatially Adaptive Regularization in Image Segmentation 18
On the Use of Constraint Preconditioners in Potential Reduction Methods 18
On preconditioner updates for sequences of saddle-point linear systems 18
Primary gas thermometry by means of laser-absorption spectroscopy: Determination of the boltzmann constant 18
Primary gas thermometry by means of near-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy and determination of the Boltzmann constant 18
Parallel algebraic multilevel Schwarz preconditioners for a class of elliptic PDE systems 18
Some Perspectives on High-Performance Mathematical Software 18
Parallel Numerical Simulation of Reacting Flows in Air Quality Models 17
Updating constraint preconditioners for KKT systems in quadratic programming via low-rank corrections 17
On the application of multiple-deme parallel genetic algorithms in astrophysics 17
A preconditioning framework for sequences of diagonally modified linear systems arising in optimization 17
PINEAPL: A European project to develop a parallel numerical library for industrial applications 17
On the use of an approximate constraint preconditioner in a potential reduction algorithm for quadratic programming 16
Valutazione spaziale dei pedocaratteri tramite analisi delle componenti principali. Indagine preliminare su un areale dell'Oltrepo Mantovano 16
On the iterative solution of KKT systems in potential reduction software for large-scale quadratic problems 16
Scalable Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioners with Application to CFD 16
Understanding the role of the topology in protein folding by computational inverse folding experiments 16
An Improvement of the Dual Time Stepping Technique for Unsteady RANS Computations 16
Stochastic models for the disaggregation of precipitation time series on sub-daily scale: identification of parameters by global optimization 15
Starting-point strategies for an infeasible potential reduction method 15
On the application of the spectral projected gradient method in image segmentation 14
Using a general-purpose numerical library to parallelize an industrial application: Design of high-performance lasers 13
Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Computing: an Application Perspective 13
A parallel implementation of a multigrid multiblock Euler solver on distributed memory machines 12
Totale 2.237
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.552
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.552

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13
2020/2021448 0 4 4 322 9 17 14 3 32 12 11 20
2021/2022426 2 1 8 10 7 12 11 18 27 42 67 221
2022/2023426 87 48 2 46 45 45 7 42 58 0 40 6
2023/2024280 19 55 42 21 14 14 5 11 0 0 57 42
2024/2025539 121 298 16 14 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.237