POLIZZI, Francesco
POLIZZI, Francesco
On surfaces of general type with p_g=q=1, K^2=3
2005 Polizzi, Francesco
Deformations of product-quotient surfaces and reconstruction of Todorov surfaces via Q-Gorenstein smoothing
2015 Lee, Y; Polizzi, Francesco
Standard isotrivial fibrations with pg = q = 1
2009 Polizzi, F.
Numerical properties of isotrivial fibrations
2010 Polizzi, F.
On proper polynomial maps of ℂ 2
2010 Bisi, C.; Polizzi, F.
Standard isotrivial fibrations with pg = q = 1, II
2010 Mistretta, E.; Polizzi, F.
On surfaces of general type with pg = q = 1 isogenous to a product of curves
2008 Polizzi, F.
On surfaces of general type with p_g=q=1 and K^2=3
2005 Polizzi, Francesco
Surfaces of general type with pg = q = 1, K2 = 8 and bicanonical map of degree 2
2006 Polizzi, F.
The classification of surfaces with pg = q = 1 isogenous to a product of curves
2009 Carnovale, G.; Polizzi, F.
On surfaces with pg = 2, q = 1 and K2 = 5
2012 Gentile, T.; Oliverio, P. A.; Polizzi, F.
Surfaces with pg = q = 2, K2 = 6, and albanese map of degree 2
2013 Penegini, M.; Polizzi, F.
On surfaces with pg = q = 2, k2 = 5 and albanese map of degree 3
2013 Penegini, M.; Polizzi, F.
On factoriality of threefolds with isolated singularities
2014 Polizzi, F.; Rapagnetta, A.; Sabatino, P.
A new family of surfaces with pg = q = 2 and K2 = 6 whose Albanese map has degree 4
2014 Penegini, M.; Polizzi, F.
A note on surfaces with pg = q = 2 and an irrational fibration
2017 Penegini, M.; Polizzi, F.
A family of surfaces with pg=q=2,K2=7 and Albanese map of degree 3
2017 Pignatelli, R.; Polizzi, F.
Monodromy representations and surfaces with maximal Albanese dimension
2018 Polizzi, F.
Triple planes with p g = q = 0
2019 Faenzi, D.; Polizzi, F.; Valles, J.
A weak comparison principle in tubular neighbourhoods of embedded manifolds
2020 Polizzi, F.; Sabatino, P.; Sciunzi, B.