Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.689
EU - Europa 2.017
AS - Asia 923
AF - Africa 25
SA - Sud America 22
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 5.680
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.602
IT - Italia 1.107
SG - Singapore 435
CN - Cina 346
UA - Ucraina 208
FI - Finlandia 148
SE - Svezia 123
IE - Irlanda 122
NL - Olanda 121
DE - Germania 97
CA - Canada 80
VN - Vietnam 80
IN - India 29
GB - Regno Unito 25
FR - Francia 21
CI - Costa d'Avorio 20
BR - Brasile 18
RU - Federazione Russa 18
KR - Corea 9
TR - Turchia 8
MX - Messico 7
BG - Bulgaria 4
DK - Danimarca 4
ES - Italia 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PL - Polonia 3
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
SI - Slovenia 3
AT - Austria 2
JP - Giappone 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
BE - Belgio 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IR - Iran 1
KE - Kenya 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MT - Malta 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 5.680
Città #
Chandler 464
Singapore 360
Jacksonville 199
Millbury 136
Naples 131
Ashburn 129
Amsterdam 114
Princeton 113
Santa Clara 102
Nanjing 89
Boston 79
Dong Ket 79
Woodbridge 78
Rome 77
Ann Arbor 72
Ottawa 72
Napoli 71
Wilmington 70
Beijing 67
Houston 62
Dublin 45
Milan 44
Des Moines 40
Helsinki 34
Seattle 29
Lawrence 27
Kronberg 23
Nanchang 23
Boardman 21
Norwalk 18
Falls Church 16
Hebei 16
Shenyang 14
Jiaxing 13
Pune 13
Casoria 12
Redwood City 12
Tianjin 12
Fairfield 11
Guangzhou 11
Augusta 10
Bari 10
Cagliari 10
Palermo 10
Turin 10
Caserta 9
Washington 9
London 8
San Mateo 8
Bologna 7
Bucheon-si 7
Changsha 7
Dallas 7
Florence 7
Catanzaro 6
Falkenstein 6
Foggia 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Kunming 6
Orange 6
Padova 6
Lappeenranta 5
Menlo Park 5
Moscow 5
Perugia 5
Pisa 5
Salerno 5
Toronto 5
Brescia 4
Casandrino 4
Catania 4
Dearborn 4
Formia 4
Hangzhou 4
Leawood 4
León 4
Marigliano 4
Mountain View 4
Munich 4
Ningbo 4
Paris 4
Shanghai 4
Sofia 4
Zhengzhou 4
Albignasego 3
Buffalo 3
Cambridge 3
Carbonara di Nola 3
Carrara 3
Cava 3
Changchun 3
Hong Kong 3
Jinan 3
Latina 3
Livorno 3
Ljubljana 3
Murfreesboro 3
Notre Dame 3
Ottaviano 3
Poggiomarino 3
Totale 3.306
Nome #
La disgenesia tiroidea come modello per lo studio dello sviluppo e del differenziamento della tiroide 687
Sensori in fibra ottica integrati in aghi impiegati per l'ablazione percutanea, la necrotizzazione e in terapie varie 105
Novel anti-obesity quercetin-derived Q2 prevents metabolic disorders in rats fed with high-fat diet 81
Spot-light on microbiota in obesity and cancer 79
Flavor perception test: evaluation in patients with Kallmann syndrome 78
“Front-of-pack” nutrition labeling 74
High-resolution melting analysis (HRM) for mutational screening of Dnajc17 gene in patients affected by thyroid dysgenesis 71
Autosomal dominant resistance to thyrotropin as a distinct entity in five multigenerational kindreds: clinical characterization and exclusion of candidate loci. 68
Nutrition: a key environmental dietary factor in clinical severity and cardio-metabolic risk in psoriatic male patients evaluated by 7-day food-frequency questionnaire 65
Efficacy and safety of radiofrequency thermal ablation in the treatment of thyroid nodules with pressure symptoms in elderly patients. 65
Quercetin and its derivative Q2 modulate chromatin dynamics in adipogenesis and Q2 prevents obesity and metabolic disorders in rats 60
Diagnostica, esame obiettivo e diagnosi bioumorale della tiroide 59
Long period fiber grating nano-optrode for cancer biomarker detection 58
Effects of treatment modalities for Graves' hyperthyroidism on Graves' orbitopathy: a 2015 Italian Society of Endocrinology Consensus Statement. 57
Bioelectrical phase angle and psoriasis: a novel association with psoriasis severity, quality of life and metabolic syndrome. 57
Selenium supplementation modulates apoptotic processes in thyroid follicular cells 57
Flavor identification inversely correlates with Body Mass Index (BMI) 55
A preservation method that allows recovery of intact RNA from tissues disected by laser capture microdissection 55
Orbital scintigraphy with [111In-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-D-phe1]-octreotide predicts the clinical response to corticosteroid therapy in patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. 54
Complicanze della terapia soppressiva con L-Tiroxina sul tessuto osseo 54
Sunshine vitamin and thyroid 54
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Circulating Levels of Sirtuin 4 in Obese Patients: A Novel Association 54
Missense mutation in the transcription factor NKX2-5: a novel molecular event in the pathogenesis of thyroid dysgenesis 52
Studio degli effetti molecolari prodotti da modificazioni dei livelli delle desiodasi a livello centrale e periferico 52
Characterization of a novel loss-of-function mutation of PAX8 associated with congenital hypothyroidism. 52
High Sensitive Long Period Fiber Grating Biosensor for Cancer Biomarker Detection 52
Search for abnormalities of nuclear corepressors, coactivators, and a coregulator in families with resistance to thyroid hormone without mutations in thyroid hormone receptor beta or alpha genes. 51
Ipotiroidismo: Aspetti diagnostici 51
Thyroid function tests and characterization of thyroxine-binding globulin in the carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type I. 50
La diagnostica molecolare dell'ipotiroidismo congenito 50
Influence of nutrition on somatotropic axis: Milk consumption in adult individuals with moderate-severe obesity 50
Dietary Polyphenols and Chromatin Remodelling 49
Nutrition and psoriasis: is there any association between the severity of the disease and adherence to the Mediterranean diet? 49
Pregnancy outcome in women treated with methimazole or propylthiouracil during pregnancy. 48
Tiroide e selenio 48
Glucose-induced expression of the homeotic transcription factor Prep1 is associated with histone post-translational modifications in skeletal muscle 48
Mediterranean Diet and Phase Angle in a Sample of Adult Population: Results of a Pilot Study 48
Benign hereditary chorea: clinical and neuroimaging features in an Italian family. 47
Transient dwarfism and hypogonadism in mice lacking Otx1 reveal prepubescent stage-specific control of pituitary levels of GH, FSH and LH. 46
Influences of Age, Sex and Smoking Habit on Flavor Recognition in Healthy Population 45
Germline polymorphisms of the VEGF-pathway predict recurrence in non-advanced differentiated thyroid cancer 45
Preliminary results demonstrating the impact of Mediterranean diet on bone health 45
The flavor test is a sensitive tool in identifying the flavor sensorineural dysfunction in Parkinson's disease 44
Genetics of congenital hypothyroidism 43
PAX8 mutations associated with congenital hypothyroidism caused by thyroid. 41
Inquadamento nosologico e trattamento medico del feocromocitoma 41
Thyroid Toxicity 41
Nutritional and Environmental Factors in Thyroid Carcinogenesis 41
FOXE1 polymorphisms: a new piece in the puzzle of thyroid dysgenesis 40
A novel NKX2.1 mutation in a family with hypothyroidism and benign hereditary chorea. 40
Iperparatiroidismo primario: diagnostica di laboratorio e strumentale 40
Identification and functional characterization of a novel mutation in the NKX2-1 gene: Comparison with the data in the literature 39
Five new families with resistance to thyroid hormone not caused by mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor beta gene. 38
The molecular causes of thyroid dysgenesis: a systematic review. 38
Relationship between salt consumption and iodine intake in a pediatric population. 38
Complete thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) deficiency in two families without mutations in coding or promoter regions of the TBG genes: in vitro demonstration of exon skipping. 37
Increased sensitivity to thyroid hormone in mice with complete deficiency of thyroid hormone receptor alpha. 37
Expression of thyroid transcription factor 1 gene can be regulated at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. 37
Iodine status assessment in Campania (Italy) as determined by urinary iodine excretion. 37
Iodine Intake Estimated by 24 h Urine Collection in the Italian Adult Population: 2008–2012 Survey 37
Quantitative but not qualitative flavor recognition impairments in COVID-19 patients 37
Gangliosides and phospholipids in human thyroids responsive and unresponsive to thyrotropin 36
Genetic Defects in Thyroid Hormone Supply. 36
Molecular genetics of congenital hypothyroidism 35
Mutations in the gene encoding thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) are not a frequent cause of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) with thyroid dysgenesis. 35
Epigenetic and Metabolism: Glucose and Homeotic Transcription Factor PREP1 VRP Suggested Epigenetics and Metabolism 35
Non toxic goiter 34
Alternative Methods for the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules 34
Epidermal growth factor receptor in human brain tumors 34
Cloning, chromosomal localization and identification of polymorphisms in the human thyroid transcription factor 2 gene (TITF2). 33
"Amiodarone induced thyrotoxicosis" in Android and Iphone APP "Endocrinology and Endocrine Emergencies" 33
Structural defects of a Pax8 mutant that give rise to congenital hypothyroidism. 32
Mutations in TAZ/WWTR1, a co-activator of NKX2.1 and PAX8 are not a frequent cause of thyroid dysgenesis 32
Genetic defects in thyroid hormone synthesis and action 32
Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel Mutation in theNKX2-1Gene: Comparison with the Data in the Literature 32
Thyroid nodules and related symptoms are stably controlled two years afterradiofrequency thermal ablation. 31
Similarities and differences in the reproductive phenotypes of women with congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism caused by GNRHR mutations and women with polycystic ovary syndrome 31
Epigenetic regulation of adipogenesis by histone-modifying enzymes 31
Iodine Intake from Food and Iodized Salt as Related to Dietary Salt Consumption in the Italian Adult General Population 31
Thyroid function and effect of aging in combined hetero/homozygous mice deficient in thyroid hormone receptors alpha and beta genes. 30
RXR receptor agonist suppression of thyroid function: central effects in the absence of thyroid hormone receptor. 30
Alimentazione, nutrizione e salute 30
Genetic Defects in Thyroid Hormone Supply. 30
A mouse model for hereditary thyroid dysgenesis and cleft palate 30
Assessment of nutritional status, body composition and bone density in a group of young athletes 30
Epigenetic mechanisms of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in obesity 30
Recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of primary congenital hypothyroidism. 29
Benign hereditary chorea due to a novel mutation of the thyroid transcription factor-1 gene. 29
Screening for mutations in the ISL1 gene in patients with thyroid dysgenesis 29
A new case of familial nonautoimmune hyperthyroidism caused by the M463V mutation in the TSH receptor with anticipation of the disease across generations: a possible role of iodine supplementation. 29
Osteoporosi: quadri clinici 27
Genetics of congenital hypothyroidism 27
International Thyroid Congress 27
Associazione Italiana della Tiroide 27
Association between Dietary Habits and Severity of Symptoms in Premenstrual Syndrome 26
Genetic Defects in Thyroid Hormone Supply 26
Changs in thyroid status during early development of Mct8 deficient mice 26
Totale 5.045
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.117
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.117

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020239 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 9 5 36 78 104
2020/2021700 19 44 91 57 82 59 55 20 64 26 87 96
2021/2022891 24 10 9 30 35 29 36 40 90 61 203 324
2022/20231.157 157 118 35 100 123 121 25 99 153 127 67 32
2023/20241.028 42 106 142 89 57 93 54 135 49 47 141 73
2024/2025818 207 212 29 37 134 194 5 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.941