Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.543
EU - Europa 2.138
AS - Asia 1.004
SA - Sud America 21
AF - Africa 11
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.723
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.497
IT - Italia 1.341
SG - Singapore 457
CN - Cina 260
UA - Ucraina 201
HK - Hong Kong 193
FI - Finlandia 128
DE - Germania 109
IE - Irlanda 80
GB - Regno Unito 61
FR - Francia 59
SE - Svezia 49
CA - Canada 44
TR - Turchia 22
IN - India 18
ES - Italia 14
NL - Olanda 14
RU - Federazione Russa 14
BR - Brasile 13
IR - Iran 11
BG - Bulgaria 10
RO - Romania 10
ID - Indonesia 9
PH - Filippine 9
PT - Portogallo 9
CH - Svizzera 6
DK - Danimarca 6
EG - Egitto 6
LT - Lituania 6
AU - Australia 5
KW - Kuwait 4
MY - Malesia 4
AL - Albania 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
GF - Guiana Francese 3
GR - Grecia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MN - Mongolia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
BE - Belgio 2
CO - Colombia 2
EC - Ecuador 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
SI - Slovenia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BW - Botswana 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CY - Cipro 1
DM - Dominica 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EU - Europa 1
JP - Giappone 1
MA - Marocco 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MX - Messico 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 5.723
Città #
Chandler 387
Singapore 387
Santa Clara 353
Hong Kong 189
Jacksonville 181
Millbury 121
Napoli 119
Princeton 103
Naples 102
Houston 97
Ashburn 83
Nanjing 81
Wilmington 73
Rome 56
Boston 53
Milan 41
Woodbridge 37
Beijing 36
Des Moines 35
Ottawa 35
Lawrence 28
Boardman 26
Helsinki 25
Marigliano 23
Nanchang 23
Seattle 20
Dublin 19
Jiaxing 18
Kronberg 18
Salerno 16
Shenyang 16
Hebei 15
Turin 14
Tianjin 13
Council Bluffs 12
Falkenstein 12
Torino 12
Florence 10
Kunming 10
Norwalk 10
Sofia 10
Changsha 9
Forino 9
Macerata Campania 9
Portici 9
Cagliari 8
Eboli 8
Cicciano 7
Henley on Thames 7
Lapu-Lapu City 7
Washington 7
Aversa 6
Benevento 6
Bethnal Green 6
Bologna 6
Boscotrecase 6
Brescia 6
Dearborn 6
Guangzhou 6
Lyon 6
Pozzuoli 6
Sora 6
Bogor 5
Busto Arsizio 5
Cambridge 5
Curitiba 5
Falls Church 5
Los Angeles 5
Orange 5
Piedimonte Matese 5
Pomigliano d'Arco 5
Qualiano 5
Redwood City 5
Amsterdam 4
Aradeo 4
Burriana 4
Cairo 4
Caserta 4
Coimbra 4
Dalmine 4
Fairfield 4
Fiumicino 4
Genoa 4
Gorgonzola 4
Heide 4
Mogliano Veneto 4
Moscow 4
Narbolia 4
New York 4
Perugia 4
Pesaro 4
Pescara 4
Prato 4
Pune 4
Teresina 4
Torremaggiore 4
Vicenza 4
Abbiategrasso 3
Antalya 3
Arezzo 3
Totale 3.225
Nome #
Aria umida: climatizzazione ed involucro edilizio - teoria, applicazioni e software 626
Concorso internazionale di progettazione, in due fasi, per la realizzazione del "Polo Scolastico di Eccellenza Alberghiero ed Agroalimentare situato in Via R. D'Afflitto - Piazza San Francesco del Comune di Ariano Irpino 112
Influence of the rotation speed on the effectiveness parameters of a desiccant wheel: An assessment using experimental data and manufacturer software 104
Indoor environment and energy efficiency in schools – Part 1 Principles 103
Guida alla progettazione del sistema edificio–impianto di riscaldamento - Legge 10/91 87
Analisi energetica ed economica sullo spessore ottimale di isolante termico in edifici esistenti per uffici in climi mediterranei 77
Technical and environmental analysis of a nZEB in mediterranean climate 74
Impianti di climatizzazione con gruppi frigoriferi / pompe di calore a recupero termodinamico attivo 73
Air conditioning systems for school buildings: A case study 69
A comparison of HVAC systems for artwork conservation 68
Impianti di climatizzazione-ventilazione a portata d'aria esterna variabile 67
Supermercati: controllo dell’umidità e risparmio energetico 66
Analisi di sensibilità sui requisiti di legge per gli edifici soggetti a ristrutturazione importante di primo livello: un caso di studio 60
Air-conditioning in museum environment: energy saving and thermal-hygrometric control 57
An overview on solar shading systems for buildings 57
An overview on solar shading systems for buildings 56
Earth-to-air heat exchanger for NZEB in Mediterranean climate 54
A simple performance evaluator of desiccant cooling and dehumidification technology 53
Obtaining a NZEB in Mediterranean climate by using only on-site renewable energy: Is it a realistic goal? 53
Centrali di trattamento dell'aria 52
Cost-optimal methodology and passive strategies for building energy efficiency: a case-study 51
Ambiente interior e eficiencia energetica nas escolas - 1a parte - Principios 50
Desiccant HVAC system driven by a micro-CHP: experimental analysis 49
Hybrid HVAC systems with chemical dehumidification for supermarket applications 48
Evaluation of the optimal thermal insulation thickness for an office building in different climates by means of the basic and modified “cost-optimal” methodology 47
Hybrid desiccant HVAC systems energy consumption for commercial buildings 47
Supermercati: controllo umidità e risparmio energetico 47
Energy retrofit of historic buildings in the Mediterranean area: the case of the Paleontology Museum in Naples 47
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Thermal Insulation of an Existing Office Building Considering Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance 46
Outdoor-air design conditions relating to the capacity of air-conditioning systems 46
Air conditioning systems with desiccant wheel for Italian climates 45
A software tool for an user-friendly interface with PC Superlite 2.0 45
Thermal-hygrometric and Energy Performance Analysis of HVAC Systems for Educational Buildings in Southern Europe 45
Il modello BIM per l’esistente – BIM interoperability e riqualificazione energetica 45
Controllo termoigrometrico ed impianti: gli ambienti museali 44
Batterie di scambio termico 44
CHT-17: Heat recovery in air conditioning systems for office buildings 43
Desiccant wheel regenerated by thermal energy from a microcogenerator: experimental assessment of the performances 42
Impianti di climatizzazione con deumidificazione chimica per supermercati 41
HVAC systems to control microclimate in the museums 41
Desiccant HVAC Systems for Commercial Buildings 41
Il ruolo delle schermature solari nel bilancio energetico del sistema edificio-impianti 41
Il controllo dell'umidità negli ambienti museali 40
Sky luminance models: Sensitivity to sky-dome subdivision 40
Energy Compensation Model between a Net Zero Energy Building and a School Building 39
HVAC systems: air diffusion performance in the museum environment 39
A Technical and Economic Analysis on Optimal Thermal Insulation Thickness for Existing Office Building in Mediterranean Climates 38
New computational workflow based on genetic algorithm for robust multi-objective optimization for the NZEB target. 37
Cooling energy consumption and operating costs: evaporative all-air and air-and-water systems in Italy climates 37
La progettazione degli impianti per gli edifici storici: il caso di Palazzo Penne 37
Analisi multicriteria per l'isolamento termico di un edificio esistente adibito ad uffici 36
Indoor Environment and Energy Efficiency in Educational Buildings - Indoor Environment and Energy Efficiency in Educational Buildings - Part 1 Principles 36
Le batterie di scambio termico 36
The influence of surface finishes on the energy demand of HVAC systems for existing buildings 36
Design the refurbishment of historic buildings with the cost-optimal methodology: The case study of a XV century Italian building 35
Two types of heat exchangers for office buildings in different European climates 35
HVAC dehumidification systems for thermal comfort: a critical review 34
Scambiatori di calore interrati - Scelte progettuali ed analisi di fattibilità tecnico-economica 34
Experimental analysis on the dehumidification and thermal performance of a desiccant wheel 34
La videografia nella misura della distribuzione di luminanza della volta celeste 33
Existing buildings and HVAC systems: incidence of innovative surface finishes on the energy requirements 33
The Contribution Of Geothermal Heat Pumps In Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) 33
Calibration procedures of a CCD camera for photometric measurements 32
Building envelope moisture condensation following an European standard proposal 32
Heat recovery in air conditioning systems for office buildings 32
Earth-to-Air Versus Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers: A Numerical Study on the Energetic, Economic, and Environmental Performances for Italian Office Buildings 32
L'impianto di climatizzazione in ambiente museale 31
Il controllo dell’umidità negli edifici: la deumidificazione 31
De-Light: a software tool for the evaluation of direct daylighting illuminances both indoors and outdoors – comparison with Superlite 2.0 and Lumen Micro 7.1 31
The Use of Earth-to-Air and Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers for Different Italian Climates 31
The energy performances of a ground-to-air heat exchanger: A comparison among köppen climatic areas 31
Formazione di condensa negli involucri edilizi in base alla norma italiana UNI 10350 30
Solar gain and building envelope: the surface factor 30
Feasibility study on the spread of nzebs using economic incentives 29
Aspetti tecnici e legislativi sull’efficienza energetica dell’edificio e sugli impianti di climatizzazione per complessi universitari 28
Earth-to-air heat exchangers: applicability, design conditions and technical-economical convenience 28
Efficienza energetica del sistema edificio-impianti: gli impianti di climatizzazione a portata variabile 28
Gli impianti di riscaldamento e raffrescamento a pavimento. Vincoli e requisiti della norma UNI EN 1264 28
Earth-to-air heat exchangers for Italian climates 28
Experimental analysis of an unconventional desiccant-based air-conditioning system: the influence of cooling air flow and chiller on the energy and environmental performance 28
Performance analysis of a CPV/T-DC integrated system adopted for the energy requirements of a supermarket 28
Experimental analysis on the performances of a desiccant wheel regenerated by low grade thermal energy 27
Double plus-zero energy historic building and improvement of hygrothermal conditions for the Palaeontology Museum of Naples 27
Fixed and tracking PV system for Net Zero Energy Buildings: comparison between annual and monthly energy balance 26
Manutenzione degli impianti di climatizzazione, Cap.9 26
Energy saving strategies in air-conditioning for museums 26
New genetic algorithm-based workflow for multi-objective optimization of Net Zero Energy Buildings integrating robustness assessment 25
Energy saving strategies in the museum environment air conditioning 25
Prestazioni energetiche e termoigrometriche di impianti di climatizzazione per ambienti museali 25
Microclimatic control in the museum environment: air diffusion performance 25
Solar heating and cooling: impianti di climatizzazione con utilizzo di energia solare 25
Modeling of a CPV/T-ORC combined system adopted for an industrial user 25
The employment of an earth-to-air heat exchanger as pre-treating unit of an air conditioning system for energy saving: A comparison among different worldwide climatic zones 25
Totale 4.948
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.283
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 23.283

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020249 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 20 54 78 80
2020/2021585 26 47 62 51 71 79 63 18 73 30 51 14
2021/2022685 13 9 13 15 7 22 8 37 94 62 133 272
2022/2023906 149 114 61 61 111 99 22 66 139 13 58 13
2023/2024877 35 111 47 67 111 60 47 74 55 33 170 67
2024/20251.307 225 259 33 56 220 293 221 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.960