Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.491
EU - Europa 3.180
AS - Asia 2.200
AF - Africa 65
SA - Sud America 31
OC - Oceania 27
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 9.997
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.390
IT - Italia 1.513
SG - Singapore 972
CN - Cina 714
SE - Svezia 411
HK - Hong Kong 376
FI - Finlandia 271
DE - Germania 258
UA - Ucraina 206
IE - Irlanda 155
NL - Olanda 103
CA - Canada 92
GB - Regno Unito 78
FR - Francia 52
CI - Costa d'Avorio 41
RU - Federazione Russa 32
IN - India 28
AU - Australia 26
VN - Vietnam 21
BR - Brasile 18
ES - Italia 18
TR - Turchia 17
IR - Iran 16
CH - Svizzera 15
GR - Grecia 10
ID - Indonesia 9
MX - Messico 9
PH - Filippine 9
BE - Belgio 8
MA - Marocco 8
RO - Romania 8
CY - Cipro 7
HU - Ungheria 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
LK - Sri Lanka 5
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 5
AT - Austria 4
BJ - Benin 4
CL - Cile 4
JP - Giappone 4
LT - Lituania 4
RS - Serbia 4
EU - Europa 3
MT - Malta 3
PE - Perù 3
PL - Polonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TW - Taiwan 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
CO - Colombia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EC - Ecuador 2
IL - Israele 2
KH - Cambogia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NP - Nepal 2
UG - Uganda 2
AR - Argentina 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GW - Guinea-Bissau 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TH - Thailandia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 9.997
Città #
Singapore 813
Chandler 710
Santa Clara 416
Hong Kong 370
Millbury 310
Princeton 272
Nanjing 231
Jacksonville 214
Napoli 176
Boston 166
Naples 141
Ashburn 131
Wilmington 112
Milan 93
Des Moines 86
Nanchang 83
Amsterdam 79
Beijing 78
Ottawa 71
Kronberg 65
Woodbridge 55
Ann Arbor 54
Boardman 53
Rome 53
Seattle 48
Reggio Calabria 47
Hebei 46
Falls Church 42
Tianjin 40
Jiaxing 36
Shenyang 36
Kunming 32
Cagliari 31
Lawrence 29
Norwalk 28
Changsha 27
Houston 22
Munich 21
Trento 21
Dong Ket 20
Bologna 19
Dublin 19
Redwood City 18
Fairfield 16
Indiana 16
Hangzhou 15
Mountain View 15
Salerno 15
Torre Del Greco 14
New York 13
Padova 13
Turin 13
Florence 11
Caserta 10
Edinburgh 10
Leipzig 10
Melbourne 10
Velletri 10
Changchun 9
Los Angeles 9
Pozzuoli 9
Redmond 9
Lanzhou 8
Shanghai 8
Toronto 8
Bari 7
Berlin 7
Brescia 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Kensington 7
Mumbai 7
Potsdam 7
Torino 7
Austin 6
Aversa 6
Helsinki 6
Las Vegas 6
Limassol 6
Madrid 6
Mazzano Romano 6
Athens 5
Bolzano 5
Brusciano 5
Dallas 5
Ercolano 5
Gallarate 5
Honolulu 5
Lecce 5
Molfetta 5
Moscow 5
Palermo 5
Perugia 5
Rietheim-Weilheim 5
Sant'antimo 5
Washington 5
Afragola 4
Bagnoli Irpino 4
Belgrade 4
Carpi 4
Colombo 4
Totale 5.858
Nome #
Cilento Labscape. Un modello integrato per l’attivazione di un Living Lab nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano. 219
Eco-idrologia: un approccio integrato e sostenibile per problemi di ingegneria naturalistica a scala di bacino 148
Spatial MultiCriteria Decision Analysis and Ecosystem services in the Vesuvius National Park (southern Italy) as a tool for post-fire landscape restoration planning 99
Evaluating pedotransfer functions for predicting soil bulk density using hierarchical mapping information in Campania, Italy. 89
Residual life and degradation assessment of wood elements used in soil bioengineering structures for slope protection 89
An Integrated Approach for the Environmental Characterization of a Wide Potentially Contaminated Area in Southern Italy 89
Prediction of the soil hydraulic properties from hyperspectral measurements: Two case studies in Campania. 76
Metodologie innovative per la gestione delle risorse idriche in scenari di incertezza idro-climatica - Innovative methods for water resources management under hydro-climatic uncertainty scenarios 74
Assessing long-term impact of land-use change on hydrological ecosystem functions in a Mediterranean upland agro-forestry catchment. 74
L'agricoltura per l'ambiente: le nuove sfide della ricerca. 72
RICE Rpas for Intelligent Crop Enhancement 72
Considerazioni sui concetti di capacità di campo e acqua disponibile. 68
The impact of surface water - groundwater interactions on nitrate cycling in the riparian and hyporheic zones assessed by means of hydrogeologic and isotopic techniques in the Alento river basin (Italy): Preliminary results. 67
Caratterizzazione stagionale dell'erosività della pioggia in Regione Campania 67
Exploring the use of machine-learning techniques to integrate ground- and remote sensing-based observations for efficient near-surface soil moisture mapping 66
An Adaptable Learning Technology System for Mathematical Models 66
Stima dell'umidità del suolo: dalla scala di campo alla scala puntuale 66
Progetto di ricerca F.A.R.O. 2010, Finanziamento Avvio Ricerche Originali 64
AGRIFAST: A joint Italy-Israel laboratory for hyperspectral remote sensing of agricultural soils for promoting precision farming from satellite. 63
Le pedotransfer function per la stima indiretta delle proprietà idrauliche del suolo. 59
The occurrence of OCPs, PCBs, and PAHs in the soil, air, and bulk deposition of the Naples metropolitan area, southern Italy: Implications for sources and environmental processes. 59
Fenomeni dissipativi a valle di una valvola a fuso. 57
Use of a soil-plant-atmosphere model for irrigation problems. 57
Water retention and storage: Field. 55
Use of pedotransfer functions and DEM data to upscale soil hydraulic properties from the pedon to the catchment scale. 55
Analysis of the scale mismatch in measuring the electrical conductivity and soil moisture using a multi-sensor approach. 54
A study of the spatial variability of soil water retention by mixed effects linear models with a spatial continuous autoregressive correlation 54
Interpretation of the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties using a land system analysis. 54
Seasonal origin of water transpired by vegetation in alpine and Apennine catchments. 53
Tecnica innovativa per caratterizzare la struttura di prodotti da forno 53
A bimodal Arya&Paris approach for upscaling the hydrological properties of a structured soil 53
EU Life+ Ecoremed - Action C6 - Monitoring the Impact of Environmental Restoration Strategies on Transfer Processes in the Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere System in the Area of the Litorale Domitio-Agro Aversano NIPS 53
Prediction of soil water retention properties using soil physical data and terrain attributes 52
Improvements in the prediction of unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity using bimodal lognormal relationships. 50
EU Life+ Ecoremed - Action B1c2 - Environmental Characterization of the Area: Soil Hydrologic Characterization 50
Use of 3-D hydrologic modelling and UAV-photogrammetry to characterize the phytoextraction efficiency of poplar trees in a cadmium contaminated agricultural field. 50
Assessing the ability of hybrid poplar for in-situ phytoextraction of cadmium by using UAV-photogrammetry and 3D flow simulator 50
Effetto dell’abbandono di aree agroforestali sui servizi ecosistemici in ambiente mediterraneo 49
Developing pedotransfer functions for predicting soil bulk density in Campania. 49
Water retention and movement in soil. 48
Corso di Idrologia del Suolo: Modulo Avanzato 48
Parametrizzazione di modelli di bilancio idrologico del sistema suolo-vegetazione in ambienti con marcata stagionalità climatica. 48
Contribution of the 'Portici Group' to the Development of Agricultural Hydraulics. 48
Monitoring and modeling of water flow and solute transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere system of poplar trees to evaluate the effectiveness of phytoremediation techniques. 48
An integrative information aqueduct to close the gaps between global satellite observation of water cycle and local sustainable management of water resources (iAqueduct). 47
Approcci innovativi per l'identificazione del degrado per erosione idrica in ambienti agro-forestali mediterranei 47
Soil erosion and sediment delivery under rainfall seasonality and land use changes. 47
Degradation of elasto-mechanical proprietes of wooden poles, used in soil bioengineering structures due to wood-decay fungi 46
Dinamica del contenuto d'acqua nel suolo in ambienti mediterranei suscettibili di degrado 45
Metodo semplificato per la caratterizzazione idraulica dei suoli a scala di bacino 45
Conceptualization of Water Flow Pathways in Agricultural Terraced Landscapes 45
Assessing the impact of seasonal rainfall anomalies on catchment-scale water balance components. 44
Studio per la realizzazione di impianti irrigui a servizio di fasce di protezione a verde in Kazakhstan, nella zona dei campi pozzi della Agip-KCO (Eskene West - Mar Caspio). 44
Analysis of near-surface soil moisture spatial and temporal dynamics in an experimental catchment in Southern Italy. 44
Understanding the spatio-temporal variability of soil moisture by integrating cosmic-ray neutron probes with SoilNet wireless sensor netwoks under a seasonal Mediterranean-climate regime. 43
How effective is information on soil-landscape units for determining spatio-temporal variability of near-surface soil moisture? 43
Integration of pedotransfer functions and topographical data to obtain soil hydraulic properties at catchment scale 43
Analisi della distribuzione delle caratteristiche idrologiche dei suoli per applicazioni di modelli di simulazione afflussi-deflussi. 43
Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers 43
The issue of scale and change of support in the spatial analysis of environmental data. 42
AgEng 2010 - Towards Environmental Technologies 42
Use of a flux-based field capacity criterion to identify effective hydraulic parameters of layered soil profiles subjected to synthetic drainage experiments. 42
The role of terrain analysis in using and developing pedotransfer functions. 41
A simulation model for irrigation water management. 41
Modelling transient unsaturated water flow in layered soils. 41
Spatial structure of PTF estimates. 40
Caratterizzazione idraulica dei suoli 40
Curve caratteristiche di una valvola a fuso. 40
Mapping monthly rainfall erosivity in Campania Region (Southern Italy) from daily precipitation records. 40
Surface water – groundwater connectivity implications on nitrate cycling assessed by means of hydrogeologic and isotopic techniques in the Alento river basin (Salerno, Italy): Preliminary data 40
Interpreting temporal stability of root-zone soil moisture monitored in a critical zone observatory. 40
Incertezza nella stima della variabilità spaziale delle proprietà idrauliche dei suoli con metodi indiretti 39
Numerical analysis of one-dimensional unsaturated flow in layered soils. 39
Editorial Advisory Board 39
Una tecnica semplificata per la stima della distribuzione spaziale delle caratteristiche idrologiche del suolo. 39
An efficient algorithm for estimating interlayer hydraulic conductivity to better model vadose zone role in groundwater recharge. 39
Monitoring and modelling the role of phytoremediation to mitigate non-point source cadmium pollution and groundwater contamination at field scale 39
Empirical equations for estimating field capacity in dryland cropping soils of southeastern Australia 38
Stime efficienti di conducibilità idraulica dei suoli con relazioni parametriche bimodali. 38
Valutazione dell’indice di erosività mensile da serie pluviometriche giornaliere. 38
Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca "Ambiente", CIRAM 38
Applicazioni di tecniche geostatistiche per la caratterizzazione idraulica dei suoli. 38
Spazi aperti urbani resilienti alle acque meteoriche in regime di cambiamenti climatici. 38
Green-Ampt Curve-Number mixed procedure as an empirical tool for rainfall-runoff modelling in small and ungauged basins. 38
Functional comparisons between unimodal and bimodal analytical relationships in terms of water balance predictions for the case study of the Vesuvius volcanic area (Naples, Southern Italy). 38
A functional-oriented assessment of environmental criticality due to anthropic actions along the hillslopes of the Somma-Vesuvio volcano (Naples, Italy). 38
Assessing the impact of rainfall seasonality anomalies on catchment-scale water resources availability. 38
Temperature-corrected calibration of GS3 dielectric sensors. 37
Stima della vita residua di strutture lignee in opere degradate di ingegneria naturalistica 37
Fundamentals of soil hydrology. 37
Vulnerabilità delle funzioni ambientali: Previsione e prevenzione dei processi di degrado in ecosistemi agro-forestali 37
Nuove tecniche per la stima delle proprietà idrauliche del suolo a scala territoriale. 37
Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca "Ambiente", CIRAM 37
Applicazioni di tecniche geostatistiche per la caratterizzazione idraulica dei suoli 36
Evaluation of a laboratory inverse method for determining unsaturated hydraulic properties of a soil under different tillage practices. 36
Editor 36
Interpretation of the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties using a land system analysis. 36
Parametrizzazione di modelli idrologici per la gestione dei sistemi agro-forestali 36
Monitoring and Modeling of Soil Moisture across Space-time Scales: Recent progress and research issues 36
"Cape Fear” - A Hybrid Hillslope Plot for Monitoring Hydrological Processes. 36
Totale 5.180
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.312
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 43.312

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020307 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 19 27 37 129 86
2020/2021899 14 33 182 47 68 201 55 24 94 62 83 36
2021/20221.410 74 11 39 15 13 68 33 40 184 50 167 716
2022/20231.756 315 61 33 180 237 200 16 166 256 91 117 84
2023/20241.602 83 216 120 86 92 72 181 216 45 65 278 148
2024/20252.233 451 522 105 76 242 361 476 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.303