Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.427
EU - Europa 1.802
AS - Asia 1.015
AF - Africa 32
OC - Oceania 8
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 5.290
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.356
IT - Italia 1.189
SG - Singapore 402
HK - Hong Kong 257
CN - Cina 223
UA - Ucraina 165
FI - Finlandia 126
VN - Vietnam 93
IE - Irlanda 90
DE - Germania 84
CA - Canada 71
GB - Regno Unito 40
SE - Svezia 37
CI - Costa d'Avorio 27
RU - Federazione Russa 16
SI - Slovenia 13
ES - Italia 11
AU - Australia 8
NL - Olanda 8
TW - Taiwan 8
FR - Francia 7
TR - Turchia 7
IN - India 6
PH - Filippine 6
ID - Indonesia 5
EG - Egitto 3
KR - Corea 3
BE - Belgio 2
BR - Brasile 2
CL - Cile 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EU - Europa 2
GR - Grecia 2
JP - Giappone 2
LT - Lituania 2
SM - San Marino 2
AM - Armenia 1
CH - Svizzera 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GH - Ghana 1
IL - Israele 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
ME - Montenegro 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
Totale 5.290
Città #
Chandler 403
Singapore 324
Hong Kong 257
Salerno 241
Santa Clara 234
Jacksonville 201
Ashburn 129
Princeton 122
Millbury 120
Naples 112
Dong Ket 90
Napoli 85
Boston 75
Nanjing 74
Rome 64
Ottawa 59
Wilmington 46
Los Angeles 45
Des Moines 39
Milan 39
Shenyang 25
Beijing 24
Nanchang 24
Helsinki 19
Ann Arbor 16
Jiaxing 16
Seattle 16
Woodbridge 14
Bari 13
Changsha 13
Houston 13
Indiana 13
Tianjin 13
Lawrence 12
Washington 12
Falls Church 11
Norwalk 11
Redwood City 11
Hebei 10
Cagliari 9
Kronberg 9
Nocera Inferiore 9
Boardman 8
Falkenstein 8
Florence 8
Caserta 7
Giugliano in Campania 7
Banqiao 6
Casoria 6
Nola 6
Pianura 6
Redmond 6
Turin 6
Casalnuovo di Napoli 5
Catania 5
Dallas 5
Gattinara 5
Taranto 5
Afragola 4
Amsterdam 4
Avellino 4
Castiglione del Lago 4
Formello 4
Kunming 4
Latina 4
Maitland 4
Marigliano 4
Montreal 4
Moscow 4
New York 4
Parma 4
Pomarico 4
Portici 4
Pune 4
Qualiano 4
Salamanca 4
San Giorgio Del Sannio 4
Tuzla 4
Bandung 3
Brisbane 3
Cancello e Arnone 3
Capannori 3
Cava de' Tirreni 3
College Station 3
Davao City 3
Dong Nai 3
Fairfield 3
Kingston 3
Ljubljana 3
Maddaloni 3
Massa 3
Monza 3
Nürnberg 3
Orange 3
Palma Campania 3
Reggio Calabria 3
San Vito al Tagliamento 3
Sant'elena 3
Sarno 3
Sessa Aurunca 3
Totale 3.317
Nome #
Statistica Descrittiva 235
Partitioning a non-symmetric measure of association for three-way contingency tables 101
Analisi non simmetrica delle corrispondenze e modelli decisionali di scelta modale: un approccio statistico integrato 88
Analisi non simmetrica delle corrispondenze e modelli decisionali di scelta modale: un approccio statistico integrato 87
Three-way Decomposition of Weighted Log-odds Ratio for Customer Satisfaction Analysis 74
Topsoil and urban dust pollution and toxicity in Taranto (southern Italy) industrial area and in a residential district 74
Diagnostic tools for Ordered Logit Models in an analysis of relationships
between Public Service Motivation and Individual Performance.
Progettazione, implementazione e validazione di un questionario per la valutazione della didattica erogata a studenti universitari 70
Analysis of the financial performance in Italian football championship clubs by Marginal Models (GEE) and diagnostic measures. 69
Evaluation of the social and economic impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on sustainable mobility using cumulative ordinal models: trend odds model 69
La valutazione della customer satisfaction: aspetti statistici e recenti sviluppi 68
Analysis of the financial performance in Italian football championship clubs via GEE and diagnostic measures 68
Analisi in componenti principali in rapporto a un sottospazio di riferimento 65
Ordinal Principal Component for a Common Ranking of Stochastic Frontiers 62
L'analyse non symetrique des correspondences 62
How does public service motivation affect teacher self-reported performance in an education system? Evidence from an empirical analysis in Italy 62
Analisi Statistica Multivariata Per La Valutazione Della Patient Satisfaction 60
Three-way ordinal non symmetrical correspondence analysis for the evaluation of the patient satisfaction 57
A Generalized Estimating Equation in Longitudinal Data to Determine an Efficiency Indicator for Football Teams 57
La Statistica per i Sistemi locali 56
L'analisi in componenti principali in rapporto ad un sottospazio di riferimento con informazioni esterne 55
Weighted log ratio analysis by means of Poisson factor models: a case study to evaluate the quality of the public services offered to the citizens 55
Analysis of the financial performance in Italian football championship clubs via longitudinal count data and diagnostic test 54
Non-symmetric correspondence analysis with ordinal variables using orthogonal polynomials 53
Measures of Association and Visualization of Log Odds Ratio Structure for a Two Way Contingency Table 53
Dimensionality reduction methods for contingency tables with ordinal variables 53
Analysing Ordered Categorical Data with the Generalized Taguchi’s Statistic 53
Dimensionality Reduction Methods 51
Technical efficiency with several stochastic frontier analysis models using panel data 50
Performance Measurement of football teams by using a longitudinal model 50
Is Public Service Motivation-Performance relationship mediated by other factors? 50
A dimensionality reduction method based on simple linear regressions 49
A dimensional reduction method for ordinal three-way contingency table 49
Alcune estensioni dell'analisi in componenti principali in rapporto a sottospazi di riferimento 48
The real time ability of financial and real variables in nowcasting 48
CATANOVA for two-way contingency tables with ordinal variables using orthogonal polynomials 47
The GME ,PLS ,MLE and GSCA estimation methods for the structural equation models 47
Multinominal logit models: multicollinearity and its consequences on parameter estimation and on independence from irrelevant alteratives tests 46
Interporti in Italia tra intermodalità e retroportualità Un analisi di efficienza con frontiera di produzione stocastica 46
Association models in the weighted log ratio analysis for rates 46
Efficienza dei terminali di trasporto intermodale strada-rotaia italiani 45
Financial and real latent factors in forecasting economic time series 45
Determinanti ambientali e sociali nella distribuzione regionale delle cause di morte per malattie dell'apparato respiratorio alla luce di un'analisi fattoriale 44
A ciascuno il suo campionamento 44
The study of relationship between financial performance and points achieved by Italian football championship clubs via GEE and diagnostic measures 44
Constrained principal components analysis with external information 43
Non-symmetric Correspondence Analysis for Ordered Two-way Contingency Table 43
Decomposition of the Gray-Williams tau in main and interaction effects by ANOVA in three-way contingency table. 43
Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni 43
Il metalinguaggio Genstat e l'analisi multidimensionale di dati: un programma per l'analisi non simmetrica delle corrispondenze 42
Patient satisfaction e progettazione organizzativa : un case study 42
A factorial approach based on some coefficients of similarity to quantify categories of qualitatives variables 42
An unified approach to simple correspondence analysis 42
Un indicatore composito di valutazione dei potenziali di sviluppo logistico-economico del territorio: l'indicatore ACIT. 42
L’Analyse non simétrique des correspondances 41
Non symmetrical analysis of three-way contigency tables 41
Generalized log odds ratio analysis for the association in two-way contingency table. 41
A First Course in Multivariate Statistics for Management and Business 40
Three-Mode Factor Analysis for Contingency Tables with Ordinal Variables 40
CATANOVA for ordinal variables using orthogonal polynomials with different scoring methods 40
Proceedings of the 9th Conference Innovation & Society, Rome, Italy, July 4-5 2019 40
Customer satisfaction nelle aziende di trasporto 39
Singly and doubly ordered cumulative correspondence analysis. 39
Alcune considerazioni sull'analisi multidimensionale dei dati nella valutazione dei servizi di Day Surgery 39
Cumulative Correspondence Analysis of Two-Way Ordinal Contingency Tables. 39
Efficiency of high schools: a Stochastic Frontier Analysis 39
membro 38
Innovazione e società 37
simple component analysis as an alternative to principal component analysis and related exploratory methods for the evaluation of customer satisfaction 37
The analysis of dependence for three ways contingency tables with ordinal variables: A case study of patient satisfaction data 36
L'Analisi Multivariata dei Dati: uno strumento per la Valutazione dei Servizi Sanitari. 36
Il contributo dell'analisi delle corrispondenze con variabili ordinali nella valutazione dei servizi sanitari 36
Multivariate quality control by non linear Principal Components Analysis 34
Nuovi strumenti statistici multivariati per l'analisi della customer satisfaction nel trasporto pubblico locale: l'esperienza dell'azienda AMTS di Benevento 34
Visualization of the Significant Explicative Categories using Catanova Method and Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis for Evaluation of Passenger Satisfaction 34
Estimating the Relative Efficiency of Secondary Schools by Stochastic Frontier Analysis 34
Multivariate Co-Inertia Analysis for nominal and ordinal variables by PLS 33
Non symmetrical analysis of three-way contingency table 33
La Statistica per i Sistemi locali 33
Cumulative correspondence analysis for identifying optimal level of factors . A case study for optimizing the polysilicon deposition process. 32
Non-symmetric correspondence analysis and biplot representation: Comparing differences in market share distribution 32
Un approccio unificato dei criteri di associazione simmetrici basato sul coefficiente di associazione generalizzato di Zegers-Ten Berge. 31
Dimensionality reduction methods for contingency tables with ordinal variables 31
Non symmetric correspondence analysis for three way contingency tables 30
La patient satisfaction nel sistema sanitario lombardo: alcuni aspetti metodologici 30
Multidimensional Analysis for the definition of the choice set in Discrete Choice Models 30
Cumulative Correspondence Analysis of ordered Categorical Data From Industrial Experiments 29
A integrated approach to Regression Analysis using Correspondence Analysis and cluster analysis. 29
Correspondence Analysis for doubly cumulative contingency table. 29
Il Ruolo della Dimensione Spaziale nei Modelli Decisionali e nei Processi di Zoning in Ambito Trasportistico 29
On Fuzzy Regression Adapting Partial Least Squares 29
Fuzzy Correlation and Fuzzy Non-linear Regression Analysis 29
Decomposition of cumulative chi-squared statistics, with some new tools for their interpretation 29
Recent developments in multidimensional analysis for Customer Satisafction 28
Correspondence analysis as an explorative tool to analyse different data structures 28
Ordinal correspondence analysis based on cumulative chi-squared test 27
Massima Entropia generalizzata e Simple Component Analysis per l'analisi della customer satisfaction nel trasporto pubblico locale: l'esperienza dell'azienda AMTS di Benevento 27
Totale 4.792
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.245
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.245

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020212 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 8 4 22 50 85
2020/2021534 19 39 41 42 61 60 49 12 58 11 41 101
2021/2022643 13 4 2 8 3 29 13 37 97 21 109 307
2022/2023919 145 91 28 80 91 113 25 117 169 12 30 18
2023/2024781 52 105 79 72 57 103 27 75 5 25 131 50
2024/20251.074 168 208 85 29 151 149 284 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.571