Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.170
EU - Europa 1.689
AS - Asia 1.112
AF - Africa 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
OC - Oceania 2
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 5.980
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.099
IT - Italia 782
SG - Singapore 505
CN - Cina 468
IE - Irlanda 208
FI - Finlandia 190
UA - Ucraina 103
SE - Svezia 97
DE - Germania 90
VN - Vietnam 90
NL - Olanda 81
CA - Canada 67
GB - Regno Unito 31
BG - Bulgaria 28
FR - Francia 25
RU - Federazione Russa 19
ES - Italia 10
TR - Turchia 9
TW - Taiwan 9
YE - Yemen 7
JP - Giappone 6
KR - Corea 6
RO - Romania 6
IN - India 5
CH - Svizzera 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AT - Austria 2
AU - Australia 2
BE - Belgio 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EU - Europa 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MX - Messico 2
PL - Polonia 2
BR - Brasile 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IR - Iran 1
IS - Islanda 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PT - Portogallo 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 5.980
Città #
Chandler 488
Santa Clara 454
Singapore 411
Millbury 184
Princeton 132
Naples 131
Jacksonville 128
Nanjing 124
Ashburn 113
Napoli 108
Beijing 96
Woodbridge 93
Dong Ket 90
Boston 79
Amsterdam 73
Wilmington 72
Des Moines 71
Ottawa 62
Lappeenranta 43
Dearborn 42
Houston 39
Nanchang 37
Lawrence 33
Hebei 28
Helsinki 27
Sofia 27
Jiaxing 24
Shenyang 24
Dublin 23
Norwalk 23
Ann Arbor 21
Redwood City 19
Rome 18
Boardman 17
Seattle 16
Kronberg 15
Tianjin 15
Dallas 14
Kunming 12
Milan 12
Falls Church 10
Zhengzhou 10
Changsha 9
Sessa Aurunca 9
Washington 9
Fairfield 8
Marigliano 8
Hangzhou 7
Reggio Emilia 7
Salerno 7
Taiz 7
Cagliari 6
Cava De' Tirreni 6
Guangzhou 6
Indiana 6
Moscow 6
Orange 6
Acerra 5
Barcelona 5
Braunschweig 5
Centro 5
Marano di Napoli 5
Massa 5
New York 5
Altamura 4
Caserta 4
Council Bluffs 4
Giugliano in Campania 4
Limbiate 4
Luft 4
Montreal 4
Ningbo 4
Pagani 4
Pago Veiano 4
Pozzuoli 4
Reggio Nell'emilia 4
Romainville 4
Romano Di Lombardia 4
Arlöv 3
Buffalo 3
Cicciano 3
Düsseldorf 3
Falkenstein 3
Ferrara 3
Galluccio 3
Hanover 3
Hefei 3
Istanbul 3
London 3
Los Angeles 3
Munich 3
Oulu 3
Pomigliano D'arco 3
Portici 3
Procida 3
Pune 3
Redmond 3
Rennes 3
San Bartolomeo in Galdo 3
San Giorgio A Cremano 3
Totale 3.722
Nome #
Nonprehensile manipulation of deformable objects: Achievements and perspectives from the RoDyMan project 73
A new method of image features pre-selection for real-time pose estimation based on Kalman Filter 71
Robust visual tracking using a fixed multi-camera system 70
3-D objects motion estimation based on Kalman filter and BSP tree models for robot stereo vision 70
An experimental setup for visual servoing applications on an industrial robotic cell 69
A coordinate-free framework for robotic pizza tossing and catching 68
Networking for Cloud Robotics: a case study based on the Sherpa Project 68
A new technique for real-time visual tracking of 3D objects 67
Control of redundant robot arms with null-space compliance and singularity-free orientation representation 59
Stima di posizione e orientamento mediante elaborazione di immagini con il filtro di Kalman 56
Control techniques to deal with the damage of a quadrotor propeller 56
Visual tracking of multiple objects using binary space partitioning trees 55
Objects motion estimation via BSP tree modeling and Kalman filtering of stereo images 53
Aerial Manipulation: A Literature Review 53
A Constructive Methodology for the IDA-PBC of Underactuated 2-DoF Mechanical Systems with Explicit Solution of PDEs 51
Tracking elastic deformable objects with an RGB-D sensor for a pizza chef robot 50
Mixed-initiative planning and execution for multiple drones in search and rescue missions 49
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for the Stabilization of a Wheeled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a Pipe 48
A Reconfigurable Gripper for Robotic Autonomous Depalletizing in Supermarket Logistics 48
Coping with occlusions in visual tracking of multiple objects 47
Human-robot interaction control using force and vision 47
Visual motion tracking with full adaptive extended Kalman filter: An experimental study 47
Implicit robot selection for human multi-robot interaction in Search and Rescue missions 47
Tracking Control of Redundant Manipulators with Singularity-Free Orientation Representation and Null-Space Compliant Behaviour 47
An occlusion prediction algorithm for visual servoing tasks in a multi-arm robotic cell 46
Real-time visual tracking of 3D objects 45
3D monocular robotic ball catching 45
A Flexible Robotic Depalletizing System for Supermarket Logistics 45
Attentional multimodal interface for multidrone search in the Alps 44
On the Experiments about the Nonprehensile Reconfiguration of a Rolling Sphere on a Plate 44
Hierarchical Task-Priority Control for Human-Robot Co-manipulation 44
Impedance control of VToL UAVs with a momentum-based external generalized forces estimator 43
Exploiting redundancy in kinematic motion control for dexterous object manipulation 43
Emergency landing for a quadrotor in case of a propeller failure: A PID based approach 43
Hybrid visual servoing for aerial grasping with hierarchical task-priority control 43
A Nonlinear Least Squares Approach for Nonprehensile Dual-Hand Robotic Ball Juggling 43
A Coordinate-Free Framework for Robotic Pizza Tossing and Catching 43
A grasping force optimization algorithm for dexterous robotic hands 42
Aerial Service Vehicles for Industrial Inspection: Task Decomposition and Plan Execution 42
A multilayer control for multirotor UAVs equipped with a servo robot arm 42
Planning Framework for Robotic Pizza Dough Stretching with a Rolling Pin 42
Eye-in-hand/eye-to-hand multi-camera visual servoing 41
Robot force/position control with force and visual feedback 41
Adaptive extended Kalman filtering for visual motion estimation of 3D objects 41
Grasp and manipulation of objects with a multi-fingered hand in unstructured environments 41
Design, modeling and control of a 5-DoF light-weight robot arm for aerial manipulation 41
RePLiCS: An environment for open real-time control of a dual-arm industrial robotic cell bases on RTAI-Linux 40
A position-based visual impedance control for robot manipulators 40
A Mixed-Initiative Control System for an Aerial Service Vehicle Supported by Force Feedback 40
Robotic Ball Catching with an Eye-in-Hand Single-Camera System 40
Real-time tracking of 3D elastic objects with an RGB-D sensor 40
RGB-D Recognition and Localization of Cases for Robotic Depalletizing in Supermarkets 40
Robotics goes PRISMA 39
Position-based visual servoing in industrial multi-arm robotic cells using multiple cameras 39
Physical human-robot interaction in anthropic domains: Safety and dependability 39
3D pose estimation for robotic applications based on a multi-camera hybrid visual system 39
Aerial Service Vehicles for Industrial Inspection: Task Decomposition and Plan Execution 39
Passivity-Based Control Design and Experiments for a Rolling-Balancing System 39
An Optimal Trajectory Planner for a Robotic Batting Task: The Table Tennis Example 39
Robust multimodal command interpretation for human-multirobot interaction 39
Surface model reconstruction of 3D objects from multiple views 38
3D monocular robotic ball catching with an iterative trajectory estimation refinement 38
Autonomous landing of rotary-wing aerial vehicles by image-based visual servoing in GPS-denied environments 38
Passivity-Based Control for a Rolling-Balancing System: The Nonprehensile Disk-on-Disk 38
A control architecture for multiple drones operated via multimodal interaction in search & rescue mission 38
Nonprehensile Manipulation of an Underactuated Mechanical System With Second-Order Nonholonomic Constraints: The Robotic Hula-Hoop 38
Control of Nonprehensile Planar Rolling Manipulation: A Passivity-Based Approach 38
Closed-loop Control of a Nonprehensile Manipulation System Inspired by the Pizza-Peel Mechanism 38
Stabilization and control on a pipe-rack of a wheeled mobile manipulator with a snake-like arm 37
Visual motion estimation of 3D objects: An adaptive extended Kalman filter approach 37
Robot interaction control using force and vision 37
Passivity-based control of VToL UAVs with a momentum-based estimator of external wrench and unmodeled dynamics 37
Tracking Fractures of Deformable Objects in Real-Time with an RGB-D Sensor 37
Multimodal interaction with co-located drones for search and rescue 37
Force and visual control for safe human-robot interaction 36
Grasp the possibilities: Anthropomorphic grasp synthesis based on the object dynamic properties 36
Enhancing Shared Control via Contact Force Classification in Human-Robot Cooperative Task Execution 36
Control of the TORA System through the IDA-PBC without Explicit Solution of Matching Equations 36
A hardware-in-the-loop simulator for physical human-aerial manipulator cooperation 36
A grasping force optimization algorithm with dynamic torque constraints selection for multi-fingered robotic hands 35
Force and visual control for human-robot cooperation 35
AIRobots: Innovative aerial service robots for remote inspection by contact 35
6D pose task trajectory tracking for a class of 3D aerial manipulator from differential flatness 35
Toward image-based visual servoing for cooperative aerial manipulation 34
Image-Based Visual-Impedance Control of a Dual-Arm Aerial Manipulator 34
Safe and dependable physical human-robot interaction in anthropic domains: State of the art and challenges 33
Kinematic motion control for visual grasp of unknown objects 33
Cartesian Impedance Control of a UAV with a Robotic Arm 33
Tracking an elastic object with an RGB-D sensor for a pizza chef robot 33
Nonholonomic Rolling Nonprehensile Manipulation Primitive 33
Image moments-based velocity estimation of UAVs in GPS denied environments 32
A robust multimodal fusion framework for command interpretation in human-robot cooperation 32
Holonomic Rolling Nonprehensile Manipulation Primitive 32
Robots Working in the Backroom: Depalletization of Mixed-Case Pallets 31
Position and orientation estimation based on Kalman filtering of stereo images 31
Velocity estimation of an UAV using visual and IMU data in a GPS-denied environment 31
Emergency landing for a quadrotor in case of a propeller failure: A backstepping approach 31
Image-based control for dynamically cross-coupled aerial manipulation 31
Effects of Packet Losses on Formation Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 31
Time-Optimal Paths for a Robotic Batting Task 31
Totale 4.257
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.513
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 28.513

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020289 0 0 0 0 0 9 49 21 31 36 83 60
2020/2021518 23 39 46 38 42 61 34 15 57 34 29 100
2021/20221.017 26 2 8 15 16 35 46 32 247 12 168 410
2022/20231.148 178 90 33 80 158 129 8 99 177 85 84 27
2023/2024792 41 123 86 80 48 43 21 55 18 58 144 75
2024/20251.194 263 326 33 36 226 310 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.220